A Journey of Self-Love and Awakening to Oneness

30-Day Alchemical Journey of the Inner Marriage

Returning to Wholeness

Fall in Love with the Beloved Within!

💕 Have you felt that your relationships were less than satisfying? 

💕 Are you desiring to find balance and harmony in your relationships?

💕 Are you searching for your beloved?

💕 Do you believe that your outer relationships are a reflection of your inner relationships?

A Journey of Self-Love and Awakening to Oneness is a course that will support you in identifying and clearing the shadows that prevent you from experiencing true pure love within and therefore, in your outer relationships.

The gift of the Inner Marriage is:

Freedom ✨
✨ Wholeness ✨
✨ Unity consciousness ✨
✨ Ecstatic embodiment ✨

You may well be aware that we all have two polarities, male and female, that live within us. But did you know that bringing these polarities into balanced union within creates balance and harmony in your inner and outer world?

These two polarities are divinely designed to seek resolution, integration and union, rather than to remain separate. The process of coming into integration, harmony and balance with these two polarities is called in Alchemy, The Great Work, the Sacred Inner Marriage.

The practice of alchemy has been used for thousands of years by many ancient cultures. Physically, it is the process of turning lead into monoatomic gold; spiritually, it is a metaphor for turning our leaden human experience into spiritual gold.

Alchemy is about raising your vibration and transmuting the shadow with love.

Balancing and raising the vibration of these inner polarities is a powerful means to create fulfillment within you and in your relationships.

Discover the Beloved Within.
Connect with True Love.

 All relationships are reflections that hold the possibility of offering us heightened inner awareness and growth. If, however, you are looking only to relationships outside yourself to complete you, fulfill you, or make you whole, you are unlikely to find it.

You may recognize that your projections point out the places where you are identified and thus emotionally react to assist you in seeing more fully where you are still not whole.

Doing the work of the Inner Marriage, in essence, alchemically assists us in activating higher consciousness which sees its unity within the Whole.

This course will help you deepen your understanding of what projection is and how it plays out in your movie and in your relationships.

With these rituals, we are both invoking and celebrating the rebalancing of the masculine/feminine energies within each of us  welcoming in this new state of Being and Wholeness.

  • You will see where these imbalances begin.

  • Discover ways to love and forgive these aspects and open  to the compassionate heart .

  • Seeing where these patterns and beliefs began is a step to freedom.

  • As we love ourselves more fully we begin to open to that love being reflected outside us and create healthy loving relationships.

“Archetypes are form constants that exist in and define a field of consciousness which is beyond time, space and the individual.” Carl Jung

You will receive:

  • Alchemical Tune-ups: Ways to Shift Vibrationally and Lighten up! En-Light-enment is about lightening up. You will receive an Alchemical Tune-up aligning you with the highest frequencies of the Divine Feminine or Divine Masculine and in the end, dropping those names and ways of identification, emerging in wholeness and oneness.

  • Archetypal Activations: Each week you will be working with different archetypes. Archetypes are large mythic containers of consciousness that are the structural energetic form behind the manifested form in physical reality. Archetypal energy heals, catalyzes and transforms at a vibrational level of consciousness that goes beyond what the mind can cognize.

  • Archetypal Tools for Transformation: You will receive tools to connect to this archetypal aspect.

  • Alchemical Affirmations: Daily Affirmations that will begin to reprogram your thoughts and therefore your perception and you will begin to see life a little bit differently.

  • Somatic Embodiment Practices

The power of this potent alchemical journey is beyond measure.  This is the second deep dive into this work I have experienced with Uma as a guide. I can testify to the miraculous transformation that takes place when the journeyer is willing to surrender and meet the depth of her Love.  

The invocations, meditations, calls and energetic support create an ethereal container that is absolutely tangible in the physical experiences of the process, regardless of the distance 'time and space' create in the virtual world.  The connection Uma and Orion create is beyond all constraint, and the results are reflected in a feeling of both clarity and lightness.  

I could not recommend this course more highly for those desiring self-knowledge, reflection and a great rebalancing of both shadow and light qualities...to become the fullest essence of ourselves.”

Greyson Kirby

“Sarah Uma is such a masterful guide on this deep transformative journey into the divine masculine and feminine.  Every call feels like a prayer being sent out into the collective mind field for the embrace and awakening of these powerful aspects within us all.

The depth at which we are exploring our inner landscape and archetypes is creating a deep clearing and balancing within. Like a radiant loving light has been turned on to shine into unconscious shadow patterns and behaviors....cultivating a deep spaciousness and honoring the uniqueness of my being....to be newly birthed in Love. Deep gratitude for bringing this work out into the world. It is so needed on the planet right now.”


“Taking the marriage of inner alchemy course has offered me a worldview that I have been seeking for a long time. It's been very valuable to dissect the inherent natures of feminine and masculine and understand each energy in both unhealed and healed states.

Creating and witnessing my own inner alchemy manifest is a beautiful journey and these tools have been indispensable to direct me and connect to my inner guide. I have a better understanding of not only my own internal workings, but as we are all connected, the universe is guiding me to assist others in their personal journeys. I have always felt that any investment in self-work turns into service for others, but through this course I have been able to articulate more difficult to express energies.

Everyone is looking for ultimate fulfillment in life. Yet, it's so difficult to find words and expressions to heal these blocks and wounds within all of us.... these lower vibrations that prevent us from our highest expression of ourself. With the tools gained through taking this course, I can now more clearly identify these energies and transmute them into a higher frequency.

I believe that the Divine is working thru Uma and Orion to offer these incredible healing tools of self-love. They create a safe space to do this deep work and their love, wisdom and experience has been extremely valuable to my journey. Words cannot express how truly grateful I am for the opportunity to take this course. I know I will be developing and cultivating these tools from this course for the rest of my life. Blessed be.”


“For balance, wholeness, communion and the deep healing of ourselves and the planet. Join my dear soul sister Sarah Uma and Orion Hawthorne for this powerful offering.”

Sarah Eden Amadora, Priestess, Singer, Archetypal Artist of the Soul

Sacred Exchange:


If you're seeking personalized guidance and support, I offer 1-on-1 mentoring sessions, including a 1-hour call for $133. This dedicated time allows us to focus on your unique journey, providing clarity, insight, and practical steps to help you move forward. Feel free to reach out if you're interested—I’d love to assist you on your path.

When submit payment through Venmo, please be sure to provide your email address in the comments so I can contact you!