About Sarah uMa

Sarah uMa is an Inner Alchemist, Archetypal Mentor, and a Joyful Living Coach who is here to help you break free and live Ecstatically!
She is a MoJo Mystic, a Joy Activator who knows the power of lightening up on the path of Enlightenment.
Sarah Uma is a Priestess and guide that is here to support the awakening of the Divine Feminine. She is an ordained Priestess of the 13 Moon Mystery School and has been a facilitator of this work for over 15 years.
As an intuitive counselor her intention is to support you in embodying your full expression of the Divine and nurture you in being the God/dess that you are.
She has devoted the last 20 years as a Priestess through offering ceremonies, women’s circles, archetypal readings, and retreats empowering women to step into their sovereignty and support them to move beyond lack and limitation into their true prosperity.
Sarah Uma is a certified Yoga and Laughter Yoga leader and the Founder of ”Kindalooney Yoga” which weaves laughing, shaking medicine, and improv play. She has brought Laughter Yoga and Kindalooney Yoga to the Hospice of Santa Barbara, the Cancer Association, the Alzheimer’s Association and the Brain Injury Center of Santa Barbara.
For over 30 years Sarah taught movement as a tool for communication, clarity, and creative expression. Her major influences include the feminine yoga of Angela Farmer and the somatic practice of Continuum Movement with Emile Conrad, whom she studied with for over 15 years. Sarah is a certified yoga teacher through Kripalu Institute and received her Yoga Therapy certification through Phoenix Rising. For over 20 years Sarah has apprenticed with Ariel Spilsbury, author of the 13 Moon Oracle and recently completed the Sacred Ecstatics Mentorship program with Bradford and Hillary Keeney http://www.keeneyinstitute.org.
She has served the awakening of the feminine in many ways; traveling to Kenya in 2008 to set up micro-loans for women and volunteering to support youth through the Amala Foundations/One Village Project Global Youth Peace Summits.
Sarah is the Mother of two amazing humans who are both dedicated to making a difference in the world. She is also a Nana of two grandchildren who continue to teach her the power of seeing with the eyes of innocence, curiosity and wonder. She is a “Crone at the Crossroads” standing as an elder who knows the power of the heart and the importance of unifying mind and heart so that you may enter into the space where only love resides.
Sarah currently lives in Avalon, a mountaintop retreat in Santa Barbara, where she inspires people to come and be present with the beauty and magic of the present moment and step into a more mythical expression of life.
Sarah’s personal story
Our personal stories are part of our individual and collective mythology. When told, they create empathy and connection. In this spirit, I want to share my story from my heart so that we may be more intimately connected.
As a young child, I had a secret inner realm that made much more sense to me than the world outside. Raised Catholic, I didn’t relate to the story of Christ suffering for our sins and the idea of enduring punishment for our “imperfections.” I turned to Mother Mary for comfort. She brought a song to my soul and a light to my life. I would go to our church and kneel before her statue, where she whispered words of unconditional love.
As I entered into my teenage years, Mother Mary became less a part of my life until my early adolescence when I experienced the sudden death of my only brother, my niece, my boyfriend, and a dear friend. These experiences took me deep into the void of despair that set the stage for my spiritual journey.
As a young woman, I left my spiritual pursuit behind for motherhood. As many women have experienced, I lost myself in that process, putting everyone else’s needs before my own. I had what many perceive to be the perfect life: charming husband, beautiful home, two wonderful children, on and on, but my life felt far from perfect; there was an ache in my soul and I knew I wanted more. I had lost my connection to the Divine and I had become completely disconnected from self. Working in the fitness field where the body was the prize, I focused on achieving the perfect body with the hope that it would bring me more love, acceptance and freedom.
I went so far as to get breast implants, which turned into a healing journey after the implants leaked silicone throughout my whole body. I had unwittingly initiated an assault on my body in an elusive search for happiness. For 10 years I took care of my mother with Alzheimer’s, which put the reality of aging and the decay of the mind/body front and center. My soul awoke to a pursuit greater than this mortal body.
The same year the implants leaked, I went to Hawaii on a soul journey. I had a powerful Kundalini awakening that changed my life as I knew it. With this new perception, I was faced with the lies I was living and the reality that my life didn’t match who I knew myself to be. In the next few years my marriage of 25 years dissolved and I let go of much of the material world where my happiness clearly did not lie. I entered into a time of renewal and reinvention as I came home to my true self.
In 2001 I moved to Santa Barbara and began a new life that reflected my truest essence. I was reintroduced to the Great Mother and my path as a priestess began. I surrendered. I began my path of sovereignty and began the inner marriage work which brought me into a place of integrated wholeness.
It has been 20 years since I devoted my life in service to the Goddess and the awakening of the Divine Feminine. The Archetypal energies of the Divine Feminine have played such a pivotal role in my life and it is my deep desire and passion to connect others with the parts of themselves that are waiting to be embodied so that they may live in their fullest expression.
The Goddess in me is alive and well.
I am here to support others in awakening and remembering that play is a way to Enlightenment, Freedom, and Self Love.
To Ecstatically Awaken and Remember their true nature.
To Live their Mythic Life and make it a Masterpiece of Joy!
Laugh more…Love more… Dance more…. Play more!
Embracing all things equally for this is the way to live an Ecstatic Life!
Awake, Alive, and Aglow!
In deep devotion to the awakening of all,
Sarah Uma
Explore Living Life
with Mythic Vibrancy

“Woke up this morning, no hangover and still feeling high and free after your Awakening through Joy and Ecstatic play workshop. It was truly life changing, an amazing experience. It’s been over 25 years since I’ve felt so free to let that inner child play again. I’ve spent 20 years studying food and natural healing; I feel like I’ve missed a big part of the healing, your work is essential to being healthy and alive. I can’t wait to play with you again.”
~ Sam, Santa Barbara
“ Sarah Kane is without a doubt the most effective Yoga Therapy Practitioner I have ever experienced. I had the most profound breakthrough in my private session with her. She exuded such compassion, love, acceptance and wisdom that allowed me to open in my healing process. I have also experienced her yoga retreats, yoga classes and Trance dance offerings … all wonderful. They all proved to be healing, therapeutic, joyful and enlightening. Sarah is a gifted healer and teacher. ”
Jan Hauenstein
Founder of TRY (Therapy, Reiki, and Yoga)
4 Life Teacher Training/ Certification School
Master Yoga teacher, Energy & Yoga Therapies
Cleveland, Ohio
“My 13 week journey with Sarah Uma gave me much needed rejuvenation and spiritual nourishment. Her impeccable ability to hold clear high frequency space with profound love and support is astounding! When I am in her field I cannot help but remember who I truly am, and she inspires me to carry that truth into every area of my life. Plus, she’s just a heck of a lot of Fun! I can’t recommend her work enough.”
Samantha Actress
Singer, Song Writer
Santa Barbara, California
“Working with Sarah has been an incredible blessing. Our sessions have helped me evolve from someone who didn’t really like my body, to learning how to trust it. Our work has been a glorious invitation to be still, listen and learn creating an opportunity to experience the present in a deeply conscious way. She gives me tools to take what I have learned and used them in my life. When I use this knowledge, obtained from the deepest source, it is always a prescription for change. Sarah has been the best guide, sensing exactly what I need in each session. I always feel safe, supported and loved. ”
~ Julie Soskie, Mother and Teacher, Oja Ca.
“My experience of the work with Sarah was profound. I felt a visual and visceral journey which has had a real and lasting effect in my body, mind and in my life. Under Sarah’s careful guidance I was taken to my own threshold and I was encouraged in my own strength.”
Oceanna Kiddie, (lomi-lomi)
Hawaiian Shamanic bodyworker
Santa Barbara, CA
“We’ve have been very fortunate to have Sarah Uma’s collaboration in our work for people with brain injuries at Jodi House over the past 12 years, and, more recently, also in our work for families affected with dementia served by the Alzheimer’s Association. Sarah brings a profound knowledge of human nature to our programs coupled with her natural talent for creating and spreading pure joy. Her laughter workshops work like an elixir to eliminate stress. Our patients leave the workshops with a lasting sensation of well-being and an ensuring feeling of renewed hope. Sarah inspires joy, for the joy of being. And joy has proved to be of great healing power.”
Luciana Cramer
Care Specialist
Alzheimer’s Association California Central Coast Chapter
“Sarah Uma, like all Wise Women, holds a child-like wisdom in an ancient heart! To sit in the holy presence of this openhearted innocence, this depth reception, this sacred food of ego-surrendered awareness, is a gift rarely offered. Uma embodies and radiates the joy and playfulness that is the hallmark of higher consciousness, having moved through the self-importance of the ego, to humbly, simply be a transmitter of the pure frequency and gifts of the archetypal realms. In this work, Uma has become a brightly ringing tuning fork for truth, offering the clear, pure awareness that comes only from the willingness to be an empty Chalice for the Divine. Whether you have a 13 Moon Oracle reading or a session with the energy of Shakti Rising, or a Kindalooney yoga session, all are about moving the mind out of the way through spirited play! Knowing that over-seriousness is an impediment to spiritual evolution, Uma’s sessions “pull the pants down” on “no pain no gain”, using laughter as the consciousness lubricant that it truly is!
How do I know all this about Uma? She has been a part of the 13 Moon Mystery School for over ten years, where I have seen her shed the layers of the ego that had been occluding the brilliant light that now shines through her entire being, to be offered to YOU. I cannot highly enough recommend any work she offers!”
~ Ariel Spilsbury. Author of the 13 Moon Oracle
“Sarah Uma is a real, genuine character. What you see, is what you get. And when you get Sarah, you get a lot. A lot of Laughter, a lot of Shaking going on, good vibrations, and a lot of love. I can attest to her great skill as a Laughter Yoga Leader, as I have been working with her at the Santa Barbara Cancer Center, running Laughter Groups for folks with life threatening illnesses, for a couple of years. Sarah has such a way with people; we may have a plan, and we often divert from that plan, as Sarah intuitively picks up on the energy field of the group members, and goes with what is right for the moment. It is always the right thing to do. I have attended her Kindalooney Laughter Yoga events as and her World Laughter Day Celebrations. She is a multi-talented, visionary with so much creative energy, it is hard for me to keep up with her at times. I recommend her hardily, whole heartedly, and I enthusiastically vouch for her character and abilities.”
Dana VanderMey, RN, CLL, CLF, CVA
Program Manager, Volunteer Services
Hospice of Santa Barbara California