Live Life with Mythic Vibrancy
Uma is a guide through the Mythic landscapes of the soul, cultivating the garden of the heart that can see life differently.
Live Life with Mythic Vibrancy
“Myth can be defined as the “larger than life” archetypal patterns of awareness that we came encoded to dance with and evolve through. Archetypes are large mythic containers of consciousness that are form constants that exist in and define a field of consciousness that transcend time, space and the individual. Archetypes are the structures through which the mythic dimensions of self play themselves out.”
Ariel Spilsbury

"The partnership of archetype and human being is one that mystics and poets have long known, for myths and archetypes communicate from the poetic level of mind, allowing nature to speak to the imagining soul rather than just presenting us with scientific laws and probabilities. This poetic mind is of a higher order of coherence because it has color, aesthetic form, rhythmic relationship. It belongs to a finer frequency of the mind-brain continuum. Indeed, evidence suggests that in certain states of consciousness, the mind-brain system appears to move into a larger wave resonance, a frequency that may itself be nested in a continuum of mind beyond the field of the experiencing body. In this state, mystics and highly creative people come back enriched and enlivened and do or think remarkable things. When we meet myths and archetypes in this state, we can speak directly to the inner imaginal realm in which mind, nature and spirit converge and our highest potentials become available to us.”
-Jean Houston
We are living in Renaissance times where we need a new mythos.
Renaissance times offer us a creative opportunity to Re-Birth …Renew…Recalibrate and give birth to our Mythic Self, our larger than life Self.
We have landed in our own real life myth -making experiment that is inviting us to try on new ways of Being, new ways of seeing, new ways of c0- creating.In order to co- create a new story for our world.
During this time when death and the collapse of structures are stirring the foundation, a rebirth of Self becomes a necessity.
It is time beloveds to stir the alchemical cauldron and ignite the flame of the heart, clearing the negredo, the dark shadows, so that the light may return and give birth.
When we invite in the archetypes to co partner with us and willingly enter the valley of Death invoking the archetype of the Queen of Death to support us in releasing and trusting in the unknown, that which is far greater than what we can see with the ordinary eye. The Queen of Death invites us to cross the vast sea of the mystery where we may offer into the alchemical cremation fires all the masks of past that are ready to be freed at last and reveal the radiance of the light that has been occluded be the mask of the small self.
Archetypal forces are the connective patterns for the way we grow, learn, develop and evolve.
When we release and trust into the unknown surrendering into the vast womb of the Cosmic Mother and open to receive the plan for the earth and the species She carries. We Open to receive our Divine codes of light that desire to be part of the weaving of the new that is being birth through each of us.
This is an act of Mythic creation through the divine act of re- mythologizing our story to release the purpose, plan and greater possibility for our lives.
It is myth that tells us where we are. What we could be. Where we are going and how to face the challenges that will meet us and how to get back home and bring our gifts into time and society.
Myth is fundamental to our very genius of our existence.
Myth is the DNA of our society. Immersion into the myth reveals the codes of light that have laying dormant and need to be put back into practice.
Re- Genesis of Myth is for the betterment of all.
Seeing your life as great story fills you with passion and grants you a mythic life and your higher purpose.
Our imaginal creative powers is sourced from the ancient wisdom of our heart.
The eyes through which I see God is the same eye through which God see’s me;my eye and Gods eye are one, one seeing, one knowing, one love.
Place your hands on you heart and connect with this powerful imaginal genius of your beautiful heart. Ask the heart to guide you, to infuse your imaginal power with boundless love and wisdom.
Breath into that Source… giving breath to this mythic imaginal creative space within.
Now when you are ready connect with the imaginal powers of the Universe. Ask the Universe/ Mother/ Creator/ Source whatever name resonates, to support you with the transformative powers that help you create, invent, and manifest the experiences and opportunities that support your higher path and purpose. Feel the surge of these powers flow within you. Feel them energizing, igniting, and bringing in new life and purpouse to your life on the planet at this time.
Now when you are you ready connect with Mother Earth, Gaia, and ask Her support as well. You can even ask how you can support her too, as her creative partner in evolving life.
Hold in your heart the intention of abundant, creative goodness and wellness for everyone. See the world and your own life in an optimum state of being, thriving, healthy, happy and prosperous.
Now when you are ready you can invite the Archetypes to co- partner with you.
“Archetypal patterns hold the key to the real you. They somehow know more about you than you know about yourself. By identifying and exploring your own archetypal patterns, you come to understand your true self.
“Ask yourself, "What do I want?" " What is the purpose of my existence?" and if you listen to your soul, the archetype will answer.
What distinguishes ordinary life from a life lived mythically?
So how does one tell what heroic archetypes one is working with in this lifetime?
First, note what hero/ines or mythic or movie characters are you attracted to and repelled by. Einstein, Brave Heart, Mother Theresa, Yoda, Jim Carrey?
Look at tarot archetypes or the galactic Mayan archetypes.
See which ones reflect who you feel your authentic “essence self” to be.Or remember what gave you joy as a child before you were culturally brainwashed.
Then, ask yourself who you are archetypal in the Big Story. Specifically, as an archetypal hero/ine, what are your 1)gifts? 2) tools? 3) powers? 4) life challenges?
Then, look at what small story archetypes you are playing out.
To determine this ask yourself “What do other people consistently complain about in my personality?"
Are you playing out the Eeyore archetype for example? or the Jealous Lover? The Unlovable Dog? The Geek?
Finally, fully recognize your life as a mythic quest for which you are following a specially designed clue trail. Signs are dropped everywhere for exploration on your specific quest.
What is the quest of your soul?
Begin to recognize those signs and signals in the synchronicities in your life.
In living mythically, life becomes a joyful adventure. To move gracefully into the mythic dimensions of self there is one simple invictive: move toward joy and beauty and away from disharmony.
Myth asks, “If not you, who? If not now, when?” Ariel Spilsbury
Archetypes help us see from an expanded perspective, notice patterns and reflect on other ways to view life from within. They can help us detach from our ordinary lens of reality and "try on" new ways of thinking, being, and acting.
*Journaling Inquiries:
What books, movies, video games, etc. were you drawn to as a child? What archetypes did those represent?
How are those archetypes still present in your life today?
Are there some that are forgotten and longed for?
Others that have snuck in and presented themselves in new ways?
Enjoy the adventure of the journey, Myth-Makers!