Entering into Mystical States as a Primary Lensing of Reality

through Ariel Spilsbury

What is awareness?

Awareness is the ubiquitous, vibrational substance of creation. Love is the unifying, attractive force of awareness. Awareness is the potential held within the Logos, Mind of God. Pure awareness is an all pervasive knowingness.

Mystical states tap into this pure awareness that is beyond concept or words. Consciousness embodies this awareness, becoming its sentience. Consciousness is interactive fields of sentient energy. Consciousness is to awareness, what mind is to consciousness.

In consciousness there is always only one choice, to expand or to contract. To be enlightened is to be in a state of flexible awareness, an open field of expanding awareness. Expanded beings are permeable; contracted beings are dense and impermeable. Enlightenment is the very process of expanding, not arriving at a different set of limits.

So how can one open perception into flexible awareness?

Perception is a property of awareness. Awareness is the substance of perception. Perception is a kind of radar; your perceptual wave goes out and bounces back from an object. You can in truth, only see what you are, that is, what your present vibrational level will allow you to see. Explicate, ordinary reality is useful in the sense that it will always give you an accurate picture of your vibrational level. (Implicate reality is vibration/awareness itself, the field of energy or archetype out of which form manifests.) You can assist in the creation of flexible awareness, by changing your relationship to what we perceive to be “the known.” Perception fixes awareness at a very early age.

To open perception back up into flexible awareness, you break routine patterns, become unpredictable, open, curious, spontaneous, in short, you see everything as it is, a part of the great mystery of creation.

You begin to look at everything as if it were for the first time, to see it as if it were full of new creative potentials for delight and wonder. You make the familiar,

strange and unknown once again.

You un-name and un-define things. You actually see things through the eyes of direct perception, rather than secondarily through thought. As soon as you have categorized something into a thought and said, “Oh that’s an....” it fits in the category of the “known” and is dismissed as now not holding relevant or new insight or information.

Also, by healing the emotional distortions in your perceptions that were due to childhood woundings, you begin to create more flexible, open and clear awareness.

Attention is a property of perception. What is perceived depends on what we have been enculturated to pay attention to. Attention selects and organizes what we perceive. Attention brings meaning and order to our perception of the world.

Our perceptual assemblage point is fixed by about two years old, when certain frequency bands have been accepted and others rejected depending on our culture. Each culture has a perceptual agreement that selects the appropriate frequencies to produce simultaneous perception of the everyday world being perceived. The assemblage point is like the filter that determines what we will or won’t perceive, grouping certain “appropriate” perceptions and disregarding those thought to be unnecessary, mostly for physical survival.

Psychosis represents the violent destructuring of this assemblage point and the ego. Psychotics or people utilizing mind altering substances, do not hallucinate things that do not exist. Actually, they are perceiving things that exist but they have organized them psychically and emotionally, in a way that is very different from the ordinary assemblage point.

In psychosis, the ego has lost its sense of continuity due to a radical destructuring of its reality. When a person loses this reference point in the ego, they are no longer certain about what their identity actually is and thus can’t maintain it. (What a blessing! For this breakdown of ego is what we are working consciously for but with the freedom to choose the contents of our experience.)

All that we can name as “I” is part of the description we assimilate in developing an ego. This description keeps us stuck in rigid perceptions that imprison us from perceiving the vast possibilities of non-ordinary or mystical reality. The question becomes, “How do we interrupt or suspend completely the numbing and habituated flow of the egos description?"

This choice represents the doorway to freedom and change, to mystical perception.

How do we re-invent ourselves in an intentional way, so that we are able to respond in novel ways to what each new moment provides, which is the purview of the mystic. By interrupting the constant flow of the ego’s description, that occurs through our incessant thinking and internal dialog. This single action opens the door between the worlds. Only then do we begin to have to capacity to perceive the world as it actually is.

Thinking is not perceiving! As human beings we can think and we can perceive. As fields of energy we are natural perceivers, but we are so tied to our thoughts that we do not perceive our possibilities accurately. Thought is what makes up the ego. Thoughts are the substance of ego itself. Most of us believe that what we think is what we perceive.

Projecting our thoughts onto external reality, we substitute what we think about reality for reality itself, a continuous process that leaves us very far from perceiving ordinary, explicate reality. People who do not actually perceive reality, find themselves struggling to control an imaginary reality, naturally suffering the consequences of the inconsistencies between what they think is there and what is actually there.

In mystical states of perception one accesses the properties of awareness itself which are: unity, ubiquitousness, knowingness, love, joy/ecstasy, freedom, energy/luminosity, potential, diffusion/absorption, non-linearity, non-causality, completeness, “Isness”. From this we can begin to ascertain what the vast possibilities of awareness are.

Awareness is that with which the Creator creates. What the mystic knows is that all states of consciousness are available at all times and so utilizes the awareness of the Creator, to create. The mystic knows that magic is the ability to change consciousness at will and so uses the operant laws of the universe known to the Creator with which to create.

What creates perceptual barriers to having a flexible, open mind and fluid state of awareness?

Fixed perception, non-fluid assemblage points, which are held in place by resistance and attachment, attraction/aversion of all kinds. Fear, denial, pain, separation etc. Attachment and resistance are appearances with the same root: when you resist by pulling away your awareness, the emotion produced is fearful, and the contraction is experienced as a pull like magnetism.

When you are attached, you are obsessively focusing your awareness on a certain object, and the attraction is experienced like the pull of gravity. Either way you are energetically contracted and pulled out of your center which creates perceptual barriers to perceiving what truly is.

How do you break down these perceptual barriers?

By vibrating faster. Enlightenment is the process of expanding into greater love and thus higher vibration.

“You are vibrating at a state of consciousness that has the greatest love you are capable of accepting at this time.

Changing your vibration/awareness level, raising your love level, is the only action that results in a real change for the better.

The more you love, the faster you vibrate and the less you feel you need to control anything. The higher the ratio of expansion to contraction, the more expanded and loving you are, the more energy you have, the faster you vibrate.

Changing the contents of your mind, does not change your vibration.

Changing your ideas, you location, your friends, your job, does not change your vibration.

Love is the only variable that actually changes anything. You will not be able to rise above your present vibration until you love yourself the way you are now. The ways that you don’t love yourself now, show you how and where you are holding love out and your vibration down. There is nothing in the external world that in any way determines your feelings and experiences; your life is a direct result of your vibrations/awareness, what it tells you and how you respond.”

(from The Lazy Man’s Guide to Enlightenment by Thaddus Golas)

So how do you source this love?

According to Leonard Laskow, Author of Healing with Love, “The first level of sourcing love is perceptual, how you interpret events with your mind/body.

The second sourcing of love involves the emotional body, focusing on feelings of worthiness and value.

The third level of sourcing love, deals with the realization that as a consciousness, though we appear to be separate, we are not, and knowing this, that we are always at choice.

The fourth level of sourcing love is mystical awareness that knows no separation from the divine.”

Love is the attractive, unifying force or property of awareness. It permeates all that is, and thus in truth, it is impossible to be separate from it. So, our only job is to remove any obstacles to love and simply open to receive it.

In order to vibrate faster, we need to free up energy where it has become blocked, fixed and static.

Reality is made up of moving fields of energy. Energy is meant to flow. Wherever we have become contracted in the body from fear, denial, pain etc., energy patterns are created that block the natural flow.

As we consciously love ourselves, attention is naturally drawn to those areas that have become contracted and blocked. We perceive the next thing we need to learn to love, and love it. This action frees energy.

The amount of energy that we have for our use, determines everything.

Although everyone has energy, most people waste their energy in habituated routines that support the structure of the ego and their personal history.

Anything that is outside what we normally do, requires available energy. This is the reason we have such difficulty making changes. There is no available energy.

As fields of energy, all of our acts imply either a saving or wasting of energy.

As personalities, we spend the bulk of our energy perpetuating the fiction of the ego. So that we don’t doubt its validity, we find other human beings habitually occupied with similar matters to support our illusory egos.

Energy sustains and amplifies vibration.

Thus, to vibrate faster, it is necessary to learn to re-direct, save and increase energy. We bring attention to how our life energy is drained or enhanced.

We begin by creating a disruption and loosening of our habitual and repetitive patterns of energy use.

Some of the most energy consumptive habits include: excessive thinking, criticism, complaining, oversleeping, violence, reactive emotional patterns and self- importance.

Emotions are the products not of perception, but of thought. Feelings are not energy consuming, emotions are.

Once submerged in an emotional tidal wave, reality recedes further and further from us. The more we talk to ourselves about the repetitive pattern, the less we actually perceive and the more our energy is drained. Self-importance is the form in which our ego assembles and maintains its reality to convince itself it is real. Consider how much energy is used defending our self image, trying to influence the opinion others have of us, trying to be accepted or worthwhile etc.

Rare beings learn to live a life free of self-importance, wasteful emotions and routines, using the freed energy to transform themselves into magical beings.

Shall we begin? 


13 Knots/Keys of the Priest/ess Belt (Marking 13 Initiations)