Invocation of the Chalice
by Ariel Spilsbury
Chalice Round in the Priestess…
Welcome to the Realm of Water. Water is a precious substance. Water is feminine consciousness in form. Water is the medium of transduction of the magnetic frequencies of the Mother... The chalice is the sacred vessel in which She pours forth Her gifts of the waters of life. The nature of the chalice is to be empty in order to contain. Together, the chalice and water form a sacred symbol for the fluid container of Divine Feminine Intelligence. Lunar wisdom directs the flow of Universal life force that is the animating energy of this reality. Water is constantly moving, pooling, re-directing, changing states from solid to liquid to rarefied energy. Nothing in the Goddess is static. Everything is in a constant state of evolution and flow. Water embodies this truth. Water is to remembrance, what vibration is to resonance. Drink of the Chalice of Remembrance.
“I drink of the sacred waters of life. I am an ocean of wisdom!”