Initiates in Devotion

Dearest Initiates in Devotion,

I welcome you through the 5th gate of Initiation in the 13 Moon Mystery School, entering the spiral path of deepening in devotion.

"The rewards of life and devotion to God are love and inner rapture, and the capacity to receive the light of God." ~ Rumi

It is an honor to walk with you on this path and offer you mentoring and witnessing as you deepen with the Priestess Skill/Knot that you are choosing to focus on this year.
I invite you to sit with the Channels of Perception and Knots on the Priestess belt document

Some of you have gone through the Deepening in Devotion 4 week journey to prepare the soil of your soul for refinement of these skills. You might want to change what arose on that or stay on that spiral path.

It is always an opportunity to see what is real NOW!

We will be uniting to vision what you as an individual and a collective would like to create from this turn around the wheel.

Join us on a Visioning Reflection Call on Thursday November 11th 3:33 p.m. pst.

This is a potent day for us to enter the portal of this day of the master number eleven 11-11-21 as an offering into the collective call to awaken the heart in all.

This call will ground this next offering as an Initiate in Devotion.

Please sit with these inquiries:

  • Reflections from our Initiation call on Monday. Please take notes after the call of what arose in your awareness and what you noticed in the field.

  • Each Call you will deepen your capacity to feel coherency and cultivate the skill of creating a coherent field.

  • Notice where you might have felt a drop or leak in the energy

  • Feel into who might be needing more support.

We will have our future calls the Tuesday after each Initiation call. This week I will be traveling back to S.B. on Tuesday-Wed.

Look over the attached documents and we will witness one another in the skill and channel you are choosing for this round.

Priestess Skills Document

Channels of Perception

Start your journal, be it digital or paper. I will be sitting with you in reflection of your journey half way through the year.

The Connection Call is every other Monday 10:00-11:15pm pst and this is held by the Initiates in Devotion. In the past the Initiates gathered on Friday to explore what wants to be offered on the calls.

This gives you an opportunity to create a flow and clear intention.

Your first Connection call will be Monday, November 15th 10:00am -11:15 am pst.

I suggest you send an email out on the Friday before with what the intention or theme of the call is so the initiates can hold that with you. I suggest you use the second connection call as an opportunity to witness one another’s vision boards.

Please take this week to begin to open the channel of the heart to listen to what your soul desires on this path of devotion.

In devotion and service to love,


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