
A central issue of the initiator is coherency, energetically the difference between the incoherent light of a flashlight and a laser beam, namely orderly energy, energy with a focus. 

The heart is the door way to the higher coherence.

"The power of the initiator is demonstrated in the birthing of our energy into more and more coherent patterns of functioning as Essence."

There was much being transmuted in the emotional body as alchemist we are practicing witnessing the energy of our emotions and using them to come into feeling what will support the transmutation of whatever is needing to come back into coherency and resonance in the heart.

Deepen with the practice of witness consciousness, that which is observing and come back into heart centeredness which brings our energetic field into coherency.

Continue to feel when you are in your heart or in the mind that is trying, scripting, controlling or defending.

The Initiator is calling us to stand in our empowered presence.

No empowerment can be offered from the outside that you have not already offered yourself from the inside.

Empowerment comes from self acceptance. Empowerment is a threshold. What is it that you are stepping INTO, empowering in the self?

β€œIn your present expression, in what way are you desiring to empower yourself, that you may have been looking in the past for empowerment, recognition, approval or confirmation from the outside?”

As a self empowered being, what threshold are you choosing to cross or claiming at this gate?

I am a......

The Initiator is offering these inquiries:

How do we stand in our authentic power without trying?

How do we forgive ourselves when we aren't coherent and call ourselves back into coherence?

Is the Initiator asking us to feel through our feelings without separating and be willing to clear the emotional body to reach emptiness?

How do we nurture self love and compassion even in what we judge about ourselves?

How do we own our projections without going into self-judgment?

Please continue to sit with these inquiries and journal if called to.

Again we encourage you to work with a Pries/tess Allie this moon and practice using the Tools of the Initiator:

The mirror represents the will to clarity through directly addressing distortions in the reflection.

The mantle represents the will to embodiment through acknowledgement and honoring.

The sword represents the will to truth through direct confrontation of distortions and dis- identification with those distortions.

May we continue to hold all the prayers that where offered into our prayer circle and know the power of our prayers is immense.


Opening the way into the temple of Isis


Rite of the Sword