Cultivating the garden of gratitude for the Great Mother
With each step in our evolutionary growth, our consciousness, cells and marrow become more deeply saturated with gratitude and thus our entire being becomes a prayer. No longer do we ask for things that glorify the ego, because the heart is so wholly content. No longer do we push away life’s challenges because we realize the gifts of inner growth they offer. Our entire existence becomes surrounded in an aura of joy. We cannot stop ourselves from putting our gratitude into action through exuding an energy of love, compassion, generosity of heart, selfless service, and sharing our financial resources with others and with the sources of our spiritual inspiration.
~ Rev Michael Beckwith
“When we do what we love then we feel the breath of inspiration moving within us.We have the most magical experience of being a vessel for the creative evolutionary impulse. We feel alive and excited by the challenge of each day, and the by-product is our physical health. This is the most essential definition of prosperity- to be alive. To be Alive is to feel grateful for each experience and each day of our relatively short lives.It is this outpouring of gratitude that is the basis of health. and prosperity. When we cave into life, when we forget why we are here, when we lose our sense of perception, then we cease to feel gratitude. There is always someone somewhere in a worse predicament than ours and there is always someone handling the depths of their suffering with grace. Gratitude is perhaps the greatest of all human attributes- it is the oxygen of your soul. You are alive so you are already prospering."
~ Richard Rudd
"Gratitude is the oxygen of your soul"
Breath in Gratitude.... breath in life
This moon we are watering and tending to our Garden of Gratitude as an offering upon the Great Mother's altar.
We invite you to Open to Receive a new lens of awareness. One that can see the many lenses that impact your experience and your reality.
May we put on our rainbow lenses as Ecstatic Alchemists and see the hue in which we see through.
Is it a hue of Trust?
A hue of Surrender?
What color frequency is impacting your experience?
Can you give gratitude for that which feels uncomfortable or challenging and see the gift in the shadow?
What does it mean to you to live with the lens of gratitude?
"Use the alchemical fire at your core to transform any tenacious, hindering habits, doubts, or beliefs into precious gems.
Turn lead into gold. Let your greater self surface, refine, polish and respect it's beauty, strength and value."
Gratitude is the experience of counting our blessings, the moments or gifts that we receive. It is a mental and emotional reward that makes us smile. It is this feeling of joy and happiness that naturally comes from giving thanks.
It has been researched that by simply using a gratitude journal you can significantly increase your well being and life satisfaction. We encourage you to begin capturing all the moments with a gratitude journal.
With each seed of gratitude we grow the garden of our sacred heart.
A beautiful 13 Moon Sister, Elizabeth Scheieffelin ,from our circle last year has a beautiful offering called," I AM GRATEFUL, daily journal for gratitude/ self love/mindfulness."
This is the perfect moon to be tending the garden of gratitude as we approach Thanksgiving.
May everyday be a day of thanks for the giving.
Dear Ones,
We walk the spiral path spreading seeds of gratitude wherever we go.
May we fill our hearts with the waters of remembrance seeing all of life as sacred as we water the garden of gratitude.
We offer you these tools to cultivate your garden as an offering to Mother Earth and all of life.
Words are vibrational food. May we use them wisely.
We offer these words as seeds to plant in the garden of the one heart…
Prosperity and Liberation
"Two words that are perhaps not often considered together.
We will learn that the liberation of prosperity is about coming to a profound clarity of mind as well as gaining a vision of simplicity.
We will also see our capacity to thrive brings on our ability to integrate both spiritual and material poles in our lives."
~ The Gene Keys....Prosperity
The great secret of prosperity is -a flow....surrendering.
Whereas wealth stagnates prosperity flow.
We offer this inquiry to contemplate as we walk this spiral path.
What can I offer in service to the whole?
We offer this in service with love for the liberation of all beings!