Divine Fool’s Play - Day 7

Day Seven

 We are in Heaven!

Heaven is not a place, it is a state of consciousness.

It is a state of grace not a place.

Take a breath right here…..

Feel it Heaven/ Paradise.

Feel all your needs met.

Feel you are so loved. 

Feel you at the center of the Universe

 embraced in Infinite love.

Feel the freedom of not knowing.... walking in the Mystery!

Happiness does not come from external circumstances,

 it comes from the inner dance of the divine who hears with the inner ear,

 feels with the heart and chooses joy .

“Joy as a Spiritual Practice’


Letting go of your inquisitive nature that is trying to get something, be something. 

And allow your curiosity to be how can I serve more,

 How can I give more of my gifts?

How can I be the solution?

 How can I Be the answer?

Be the energetic vibration of love.


Play with whatever is arising as you RISE





Yesterday I was babysitting my two grandchildren and we were playing with all the tools in our Fools Pouch.

We made Glitter Silly Putty

Blew Bazooka Bubble Gum Bubbles.

Danced the Hokey Pokey

Went on a Treasure Hunt in the infinite playground.

Juggled rainbow balls

Jumped for joy on the trampoline.

 Then we went to the grocery store and as I was walking out with a Batman Helium Balloon attached to me there stood two men at a stand with a poster that said

 It’s Ok to Play.

 I stopped and gave them a high five and they gave me a button that said 

It is O.K to Play…  ask me How.

The Fool is asking are you ready to give yourself permission to play, because you do know how.

Take a breath right here …

 Feel the bubbles bursting in glee knowing you are free.

Bring Heaven Here Now .... Choose to live in the Holy Wow.

Make it a Foolish Day of Play!

Each and every day!

Seven Days of Fools Play has launched the way Hip Hip Hooray!


Becoming the Chrysalis - Week 1


Divine Fool’s Play - Day 6