Do You Actually Want to be Free?

“I am She who acknowledges and empowers through intensity in all its forms… I polarize your reactions and dramas until you instead choose to use the same intensity to experience Oneness and the Transpersonal Witness!!”

I am a NOT NICE archetype. I am a GET IN YOUR FACE archetype that fiercely shows you where you are still stuck in the Hall of Mirrors of preference and attachment. 


Then give up your attachments to me!  I stomp on the graves of your attachments!" 

What attachment will you give me? 

What are you actually willing to LET GO OF?

We have entered into the firey temple of the Creator Destroyer Preserver, she who is NOT the pretty-pretty-nice-nice face of the Goddess. She who asks you to look into the parts of self that have been repressed, suppressed, pushed down into the dark depths keeping you trapped in an illusion of who your small mind thinks you are. In this moon, we are offered the gift of transformation through feeling our way to the molten core of our deepest passions, offering the skulls of roles and masks we've identified with as fuel for liberation. 

In this moon, all the shit is hitting the fan! Watch as ALL your preferences & attachments & reactions rise to the surface, amplified in their polarizing aspects and inviting you to find the center fulcrum of non-dual awareness.

Preferences: By holding strong preferences, by the very nature of the way reality is hard wired, you are calling in the opposite. Impartiality is the way through that apparent conundrum in consciousness.

ATTACHMENT… what is it?

What or whom do you feel you cannot live with safely without? 

Attachment is defined as “The negative telepathic agreement to mutually hide from self and others from the truth that there is nothing but ceaseless change.” 

This moon, be willing to look at the nature of attachment and how it affects your expression, relationships and perception of reality. Please dive fully into this inquiry in consciousness this moon! This is an important part of any spiritual curriculum to have clear awareness around. 

Be willing to spend time in deep contemplation as to what MASKS OF IDENTIFICATION YOU ARE MOST ATTACHED TO AND observe whether this attachment serves your liberation or not!

Reaction: Slow down the reactive pattern enough to see/feel its message so that it can be released and freed! Those very reactions reveal the gift and have the power to FREE US. BLESS THEM! They pinpoint where you are still stuck in the Hall of Mirrors curriculum on Earth. SO WHAT SEEMS TO STILL “MAKE” YOU REACT?

KALI is here to BUST any PATTERNS of the small mind that create limitation. STAY AWAKE in the DISCOMFORT and INTENSITY. Use it as fuel for your own liberation.


1) Discover what patterns need to be dissolved by answering the question: 

“What am I trying to control through denying, resisting, compromising, avoiding?"

2) Ask yourself which masks you are mostly powerfully identified with (those you feel you cannot live without.) If you can’t figure that out, simply observe what seems to make you REACT. This directly pinpoints what the identification is.

3) With the identified mask then answer the following...

 “This means I am........."

4) Then ask “What is my attachment to that mask?” (Answer "If I wear (or don’t wear) this mask.. then I will......."(something about the ego getting something it thinks it wants.)

5) Before you find that the pattern is clearly operating or in progress, Set up a PATTERN INTERRUPTER... a physical, kinesthetic cue/anchor like clapping, tapping on yourself, jumping up and down, making a sound..something to very viscerally bring consciousness when and where you are identified/attached in the reaction. Then with awareness you are in a position to make a new choice from the transpersonal Witness..from fluid consciousness, rather than reaction.

Begin to notice the masks you have relied on as the face you show the world.

Notice the fine line between a fierce face and an angry one. In this moon, we are invited to embody this aspect of fierce love.

Be willing to hold yourself in fierce compassion as you turn towards and face the shadows asking for liberation and transmutation in this moon. Know that as you embrace even these parts of self, you bring light into the shadows we so often cast away and begin to shift the consciousness of the collective in your willingness to take full responsibility. Know that this NOW moment is the perfect opportunity to allow these unconscious aspects to arise and be liberated into the TRUTH of who you are in wholeness.




Priest/ess Skills