The Wise Woman


Dear Wise Women..
As we are EMPTY enough to see through the checkerboard of duality… through Unity's shining face… the world transforms around us into heaven on Earth. Thank you priestesses for our collective work to see thru the workings of duality into the larger hologram of Oneness!

The primary focus for this moon is seeing through the checkerboard of the appearance of duality, until you are looking at reality through the eyes of Oneness. BE willing to look at what is still trapped in the checkerboard of duality and thus judgment in you that is requiring attention and energy to move or change. The process of HOW the shift into Oneness happens is the work of this moon.

This moon heralds the conscious setting in place of the Transpersonal Witness consciousness in you that dis-identifies with all roles and thus becomes free to play any role in the appropriateness of the moment. Anything you can say after "I am"... is only an ego role description and identification. It is our work this moon to ferret out those beliefs and patterns that limit us with identifications that are limiting the expression of our expanded, Essential Selves.

The Wise Woman knows how to play any role that will assist in awakening. She gets the cosmic joke that there was never anything to struggle toward, that we were always whole and a part of Divine Oneness and more importantly, she acts on that knowing, by using humor as consciousness lubricant... to free us from patterns that no longer serve us by bringing them into our awareness with laughter and light heartedness.

From the Initiator forward we move into the Transpersonal Witness and out of personal storyline. Here we begin to look at how to step more fully into the mythic BIG STORY of our lives! All of the suggested practicum assists you in accessing the Witness and making new choices from that place. There is mind food on re-inventing yourself that is a prototype of how to work with this shift into the Witness.

Crazy Wisdom is another tool supporting the wisdom of how the Wise Woman holds reality. This is a powerfully loving and transformational energy to get you to open to seeing through larger and larger lenses of awareness. So this moon let us focus on our lives from the more transpersonal perspective of the mythic aspects of our being! Enjoy your moon!

Always begin by setting up a sacred, ceremonial context for working with these materials. You can use the simple suggestion for evocation of each archetypal energy in the Frequency Oracle in the 13 Moon Oracle or create your own.

Recognize that when you choose to participate in this alchemical, archetypal work, the primary interface and benefit is vibrational. Alchemy is simply the raising of vibrational frequency. It is the intention of the vibration that is held within the words in the 13 Moon Oracle and the Alchemy of Ecstasy, to transform and assist you in integrating and embodying these archetypal energies.

Recognize the opportunity you have through this self initiating curriculum, to both embody the qualities of this archetype, and through that focus on your wholeness, to heal the shadow aspects that you are clearing within this energy. A major reason you would want to remember and work with the qualities and the shadows of each archetype is for the purpose of “prescribing” for oracular queryients and people who come to you as a priestess for many reasons.. Rather than mentally memorizing these qualities and shadows, you would work directly with them, asking the crystal, the tree, the element etc. to reveal its innate wisdom to you. Meditate and then speaking from the position in consciousness of basil, coyote or the frequency of black and white for example, receive its teachings directly. Do this process by saying: (I am... coyote and I ....) This is the way of the Goddess, to honor all life as sentient, conscious and wise.

For that purpose, please choose one quality and one shadow from the “Elements to Evoke and Establish Archetypal Resonance” list in the Wise Woman (and for all other archetypes as you go through the year) through which you will lens your reality this moon. Because this is a life time curriculum of self initiation in the Goddess, each year, (or time around the wheel) you would pick different qualities and shadows to focus on and lens your reality through, so there is infinite holographic reflection from these various aspects, for a lifetime immersion in Her depth, beauty and wisdom. For example embodying the quality of seeing larger patterns and healing the shadow of self doubt for others might be one choice of lensing a quality and shadow for the first archetype. Remember, these archetypes are alive and WILL interface with your life in very concrete and profound ways, when you reach out and offer yourself as a vessel for their embodiment here on Earth.

Please make note in your journals and on sticky notes as to what you are committing to focus on for this moon (especially quality and shadow lens). Post it up somewhere so that you stay aware of it all moon. Change happens very rapidly in this kind of alchemical container, AND you can support that possibility with your mindfulness!

Please continue keeping a journal of your experiences, dreams, art, images, meditations etc. is essential to this depth dive into your inner worlds.

Each moon/archetype, speak the Invocation in the Alchemy of Ecstasy OUT LOUD (if you can with one other player). The vibrational truth that is revealed is very different than reading words. Each piece is Sacred Theater and meant to be taken in through vibration rather than mentally.

***Meditate in depth with the three cards from the 13 Moon Oracle that are associated with this archetype: one sacred tool, one archetype, and one frequency card. “Take in” ... that is, really be deeply with, the associated oracles on each card.

Work especially with the mudra, mantra and sound principle for each archetype. They hold great wisdom! In this case, Ain Soph Aur, and the mudra offered in this 13 moon qualities page.

If accessing your gifts, tools and lineages from many life expressions is of interest to you, look at the Archetypal Star Lineages section in the Frequency Oracle and meditate with that.

The elemental focus this moon is earth/fire. In your ceremonial processes, please find ways to honor these elements within and without.

Alchemy may seem like a totally arcane, irrelevant and complex subject. It is not. It is about raising your vibration. Sit with the Alchemical Principle. Meditate with it. Then, in your journal, answer the question that is associated with that principle that is found in the Frequency Oracle in the 13 Moon Oracle.

If you are interested in knowing about how our reality is shifting on Earth at this time, read the “Changing Reality Constructs” sections. They seem difficult, as they are quantum in nature, but as you familiarize yourself with the languaging, they offer amazing clarity on the process of birth we are in as a species on this planet.

You may wish to do a guided visualization or journey with the animal totems of crow, magpie, coyote, or elephant to garner their gift of perspective.

Do you know a myth about the Holy Woman or medicine woman of the tribe? If you know one, illuminate us. The only one I know is White Buffalo Calf Woman. Always the wisdom ways are passed down in myths, so you may wish to source out myths around this archetype that illuminate your own Wise Woman wisdom!

“Practicum for the Wise Woman Moon”

FEEDING THE FEMININE FIRST that means… to make a commitment to start each day, even if that is only for 15 minutes…doing something that celebrates the ecstatic body of beingness, rather than moving into a more male Doing mode first thing upon arising - that can be dancing, scribing your dreams, singing, honoring the goddess at your altar, listening in Emptiness and Silence, making love to the self, whatever nurtures and fullfills YOU. Surrender to the feminine self that you are nurturing. Don't be tricked by the ego into zooming straight to the computer or office, or car or whatever… without a thought as to what it is that would actually start your day off in JOY and ECSTASY as a feminine being!!! Believe me, if you do this one practice, your life will shift dramatically.

Check your intention collage honoring what it is that you wish to manifest during this 13 moon cycle.

Each archetype has a rite for embodying the energies of the archetype. In this archetype, it is "Singing the Bones of Sophia”, and creating a sacred wound bundle, both of which are described in detail in the Alchemy Rite. Please be sure to burn or bury your sacred wound bundle when you are through with it to fully release the wound and even more importantly, the re-telling of the wound’s story from childhood.

Listen to the CD for the Wise Woman. Write in your journals what gifts were offered you in this journey.

The most quintessential distillation of each archetype is found in the two phrase description on the 13 Moon Oracle game board. To truly understand and embody the archetype, these two principles need to be experienced directly and integrated. This moon, notice how simplifying and resonating are connected in your personal experience. Make note in your journals.

If you haven’t done this yet this 13 moon cycle, please consider tracking the moon on your 13 moon wheel. Starting with the dark of the moon/new moon that we have begun this journey on, then moving a token around the moon mat each day to stay in tune with the moon cycle that is being recapitiulated in your bellies! Watch your moon cycle as a sacred rite. Treat it is HOLY because it is!!!

The priestess specialty this moon is HERBS… If that realm intrigues you, consider working directly with herbs this moon. Listen to them. Hear their song and the gifts they hold for wholing and awareness. Herbal wisdom is one of the major skills and gifts of the medicine woman/shaman. If this is your path, the herbs will call you to work with them!

Sacred Geometry is the most quintessential aspect of the Mystery. Please meditate with the sacred geometry for each archetypal face (the triple triangle this moon). Let it offer you divine truth and wisdom directly! When you are ready, spin the triple triangle in the third eye for it to offer its wisdom.

If it is in your joy, please set up a simple altar for Her to begin collecting images and totems for the Wise Woman. A black and white altar cloth, a staff, white casablanca lillies, whatever your heart resonates with.

If it is in your joy, answer the questions (that begin on page 187 in the 13 Moon Oracle) outloud with a priestess sister or ally in your journal.


1) Make a list of your core belief systems. (Everything that follows after “I believe that...” Take each one and track in your journals, how they shape your reality, seeing what the sacred third is in any apparent duality pair and learning to step into that place of that non-dual awareness.. Practice this moon, neither this nor that. but the emptiness in the center.

We look this moon at what it actually is to be a "healer"… one who is on the path of service to Love, but is not identified with being seen as a "healer". When there is a healer, there is the duality of “heal-ee” and healer. In Oneness as the Wise Woman, there is a shift to looking at beings who seek “healing”, through the eyes of Unity and wholeness rather than brokenness (which is what, in duality, continuing to operate as a "healer", continues to hold in place). Be willing to consider the wisdom of shifting your awareness and languaging around this issue this moon.

2) Work with impartiality, non-reactivity to the ego's identifications and preferences. That is, try NOT operating in your regular preferences in food, in habit comfort patterns, in routes you take home, in stores. THE WISE WOMAN BREAKS THE REGULAR PROGRAM! In the relationship department, take "the money" you normally put into the same reactive window and just choose to go to a different movie. This part of the wheel is a focus on the development of true Witness consciousness. All of the archetypes from here on are focused on that development, so begin this moon with a focus on impartiality… neither this nor that. Calling for the end of triggering and emotional volitility in the name of your liberation from the tyranny of reactivity. FREEDOM!!!

3) Bust self-doubt for what it is - a by-product of the small mind. Mind doubts, that is its job. Netti Netti, the path of inquiry that leads to "not this, not that"... if you are doubting, you are in your mind. Work with doubt when it comes, by freeing it with awareness and choosing Etti Etti... surrender to, devotion to.... " yes this and yes that."

4) This moon try using humor as consciousness lubricant! Try resolving relational difficulties for example, by making them into an opera or miming them, using puppets, something to break the patterns that you already know DON’T WORK. Though the mind tries to use the worn out patterns and solutions you already know don't work, instead use crazy wisdom. Do something totally improbable! Respond in the moment in a unique and inspired way to break identifications to specific ways of perceiving and being. Be willing to step into any position in the hologram and look at it from that place.

5) Consider reinventing yourself this moon.

6) Address any residual issues of core SELF WORTH this moon. To step into the Wise Woman fully, is to release any residual pieces of lack of self worth. Witness where you are still attached and identified to lack of self worth and release it this moon! To step into your fullness as a Wise Woman, requires that choice as a bottom line.

7) As a Wise Woman, invite people out to play with you, through asking REAL soul questions or drawing people out into conversations that you feel satisfied and fullfilled in, rather than just accepting blanketly the pablem conversations we have be acculturated to accept as "normal", that leave us totally spiritually hungry and unsatisfied.

8) As a completion of the Singing the Bones of Sophia Rite, please ritually release your sacred wound bundle in nature as you are guided by burying it, burning it etc. But whatever you do, please DO complete this rite with this action. Choose to step through the sacralized wound into your wholeness this moon. Make a conscious choice NOT to recapitulate the story of your wounding from this moment forward. Stop holding the present hostage with the past. Live now!!! If you wish to create a ceremony in which you say the consecration prayer and take in the sacrament as a completion of this rite, please do.

9) During this moon consider making a trek into nature to find an appropriate STAFF to begin consciously carrying the staff of your power as a Wisdom Keeper in this sacred tool, remembering that wisdom can't be taught, bought, sought or thought because wisdom is NOT what you think.

Here is the Wise Woman's song I want to share:

Well I woke up this morning with a head full of rocks. There wasn't even half a space for any descent thoughts. So i kicked that around awhile 'til i began to see,

That you just can't take this life too seriously!
'Cause too much thinkin's bound to make you crazy
Give you stomach troubles and make your vision hazy.
Won't somebody tell me how to turn off this brain
The journey would be quieter and I'd get there just the same!!!

We are investigating this moon the nature of WISDOM. What is wisdom? Please dig deeply into this question in meditation. It is an essential view point to understand the archetype of the Wise Woman. You, too, are a Wisdom Keeper. In meditation ask what is the wisdom you are a bearer of in this lifetime?

It is essential to integrate this work, to do diad questions with another priestess ally. If it is in your joy, please do that!

Diad Questions for the Wise Woman

Use this as a practice time to allow these answers to emerge from the womb of silence and the heart temple of your essence, rather than from the past reservoirs of the ego mind. Don’t be attached to words coming up, perhaps only an image or metaphor will arise. Allow the Mystery to speak in its own way. Before you begin, please sit in silence to establish essence contact in Source and resonance with each other. Given adequate time, if nothing emerges from the silence of essence, let the question go rather than answering from ego and what you have known from the past.

Close your eyes. Drop into your heart. What symbol or image in this moment, comes closest to expressing your deepest wisdom?

Why is the issue of self-doubt in the shadow of wisdom?

What name or shape does self doubt take in you?

How do you see yourself in terms of allowance and acceptance of self and others?

Express yourself as a crystal would. Describe how resonance is related to healing.

Are you walking with the staff of your power? If so, how?

Why is honoring the post moon, crone position of women so important?

What do the colors black and white have to offer your awareness directly in this moment?


Crazy Wisdom


Initiator Transmission