Using The Intelligence of the Heart In Shifting Dimensions
Through Ariel Spilsbury - PLEASE “COPY IT RIGHT” with crediting.
A shift is presently occurring with our emerging fifth dimensional selves and our preconceived predictable third dimensional ego selves. Our divine essence is beginning to dispassionately remove everything in our lives that does not support the full manifestation of our divinity. At the same time, we are beginning to take baby steps to integrating our fifth dimensional expression, while mostly still using our third dimensional minds and egos to “make choices” and decisions rather than taking action that is based on the higher information that is encoded in our intuitive feelings. The ego has you believing that you must “make choices” which only slows the natural process of grace that is inherent to surrender to the Divine Self. Really be willing to look carefully at this statement and see how much of your life process is dictated by this basic belief. Rather than learning to follow the natural flow of synchronicities that are intrinsic to living in alignment with the Divine Self, you have learned to try to control events in linear time that are orchestrated soley by your ego. Granted, the illusion on the screen on life looks real enough and scary enough to the ego give it “reasons” to grasp and control decisions that seem to affect the apparent sequencing of events in your life.
In order to assess whether the ego is in the driver’s seat or not, ask yourself this one question, “Is my life flowing easily, joy fully, gracefully?” If the answer is no, be willing to look at the possibility that you are still functioning primarily with the third dimensional belief system that your life is a series of decisions based on struggle and trying to control that which, in truth, cannot be controlled… the eternal flow of perfection in the Divine Self. The ego naturally defends its position with statements like “Don’t be absurd, you can’t go around not making decisions about your life; you’ll end up on the street.”
If after making this assessment, you are willing to move through the ego’s resistance, then the only pivotal question to answer is “ How do I surrender more fully to my Divine Self?” The answer is, of course, simple. You simply follow the natural flow that is brought to your life, like floating down a river. You become alert and conscious of divine guidance that comes in many forms such as comments that are made around you that show you where the next bend in the river is taking you; or pictures in magazines that are identical to those seen in dreams etc. etc etc… In short, you wake up, get conscious and recognize what the Divine has always been offering you through grace. You learn to listen to and follow the impulses held in intuitive feelings. The Divine Self is constantly alerting you to possibilities that would serve you through strong feelings. Feelings are the intelligence of the heart and represent direct access points to the knowings of the Divine Self. Learn to pay attention to and act on those impulses and feelings. (Feelings are not emotions. Emotions are a secondary reaction to someone or something else. Feelings are a primary internal response or heart-knowing that serves as a spiritual compass and guidance system. )
Surrender does not mean unconsciously waiting around with some vague hope that something wonderful will happen. Surrender is a cultivated attitude of wakefulness, mindfulness… a willingness to pay attention to the directives of the Divine Self. Surrender is the opposite of giving up or giving over ones power to another. In true surrender, the ego consciously chooses to turn over focus and stewardship to the Divine Self, which knows beyond the mind’s limited ability to perceive beyond how it thinks things “should” be, based on decisions which have been made in the past. This shift in positions in consciousness is no small thing. It is a quantum shift, to consciously choose to embrace the model of surrender rather than control. That I surrender more fully into my Divine Self is my singular prayer each day. Everything else naturally flows from that single conscious choice. Sound too good to be true? Try it.
As you learn to trust the intelligence of the heart in this surrender process, you begin to feel where or what is appropriate to do or explore next. Life becomes an exciting adventure. When your ego, emotional body or mind freak out with conflicting “rational” information that is drawn from our dying third dimensional reality base, soothe them like a child. Learn to talk to your ego/mind lovingly and gently. It is just afraid it will be out of a job if you surrender to the Divine Self. Reassure it lovingly that it is coming along for this transformational ride too and then move on with intuitively perceived guidance.
Understand that the mind is perceiving two completely different sets of perceptions about reality which could appear to be in conflict. The Divine Self will casually say, “Hey, I see what needs to happen for you to come into alignment with your divinity and I think this is the simplest and best way to handle this change at this time”; meanwhile the third dimensional ego/mind and emotions are screaming, “Oh, no. Everybody is going to think I am crazy, irresponsible, reckless, that I’m a flake because.. blah blah blah. Your Divine Self says “Ok, break some patterns, kick and scream if you must, but then we ARE moving forward in trust and surrender. The only real choice there is, is timing. You have just forgotten that the fact that you are here now predisposes that you have already made a choice that you are now simply playing out.
The cognitive dissonance in the mind comes from the fact that we are moving from a realm where personal will is how everything has gotten done, into a fifth dimensional realm of total surrender and trust in your divinity as the “doer”. The only way we will learn to trust the crazy whisperings of our fifth dimensional comprehension and knowing is to trust our the intelligence of the heart held in intuitive feelings - and leap - observing that we don’t “splat” when we move into this new territory of the unknown. Using our third dimensional minds to try to “figure out” how to operate with fifth dimensional information and frequencies will keep us functioning as third dimensional beings because we will be implying to the Universe merely by the type of functioning in our consciousness, what we value the most... and so will get more of the same of what we are thinking about and focusing on. Is there any way out of this apparent impasse? I think Alice found it in the rabbit’s hole. Have any of you found it yet?
One belief system paradigm that is up for change as we make this quantum shift is the belief that anyone can “teach” you anything. Beings who are functioning primarily from a third dimensional reality base operate, from the basis that life is always trying to “teach” them something meaningful. Therefore all their interactions are about “What am I supposed to “learn” from this experience and have I “learned” enough from this to be able to move on to whatever I am supposed to “learn” next?” From a fifth dimensional perspective this is a blatant example of the limitation of step by step, linear thinking and a more sophisticated form of separation and mental rearranging the furniture of the ego/mind. There is still the separation of the “student” and the “teacher”, a lesson and a learner. Functioning from a fifth dimensional reality base, we experience ourselves as co-creative, more like magical, interactive elements in a magnificently divine and mysterious Universal Play. We are divine instruments used by that loving Universe to evolve, grow and move. Therefore from this perspective, we do not experience ourselves as beings who are involved in separate, personal evolution where learning anything is what a life is about. Paradoxically, as we understand this in the simplicity of just experiencing our beingness, more information comes forward to aid our spiritual evolution. All of this is without effort, judgement, control, struggle or trying. In this process we become joyful, fluid, constantly evolving open systems. Could the fifth dimension be this easy? Try surrendering to your Divine Self and you tell me how different your life instantly becomes. I offer deep prayers that you take the simple step of daily surrender to the Divine Self. The rest is up to the Creator. I embrace each of you in the most profound love and blessings.