Dear Priestess,
We are conscious dreamers! As priestesses we are in the process of weaving a New Dream on Earth. Let us use this precious moon to focus consciously on that process both personally and collectively. Let us make concrete steps to bring our own personal visions and dreams into manifestation this moon, and through that, to continue to do what we were born to do!! (Doing the rite this moon assists this exploration.) This moon’s primary focus is becoming conscious about how we dream and connect our dreams to the larger Loom or Grid. The Weaver represents the unseen pattern, the Universal web in which all things are connected. During our moon, it is ours to become more consciously aware of how to see through the weave into the Greater Reality that exists beyond the appearance. (No small order, right?) But as you know, from the Wise Woman onward in this wheel we are moving ever more fully into the transpersonal Witness, the expanded Self, and learning from that perspective in the hologram of Oneness! Let us enjoy the exploration of this expanded view point this moon!
Read the forward to both the Alchemy of Ecstasy and The 13 Moon Oracle to create the context in which to receive these materials. “Be with” the materials in the Alchemy of Ecstasy for each archetype, in the amounts you are nurtured and fed by. To gain maximum benefit always set up a sacred, ceremonial context for working with these materials. You can use the simple suggestion for evocation of each archetypal energy in the Frequency Oracle in the 13 Moon Oracle or create your own.
Recognize that when you choose to participate in this alchemical, archetypal work, the primary interface and benefit is vibrational. Alchemy is simply the raising of vibrational frequency. The vibration that is held (energetically encoded) within these words, transforms and assists in integrating and embodying these archetypal energies.
Recognize the opportunity you have through this self initiating curriculum, to both embody the qualities of this archetype, and through that focus on your wholeness, to bring into clarity the shadow aspects that you are clearing within this energy. A major reason you would want to remember and work with the qualities and the shadows of each archetype is for the purpose of “prescribing” for oracular queryients and people who come to you as a priestess for many reasons.. Rather than mentally memorizing these qualities and shadows, you would work directly with them, asking the crystal, the tree, the element etc. to reveal its innate wisdom to you. Meditate and then speaking from the position in consciousness of stargazer lilies, or lizard or the frequency of magenta for example, receive its teachings directly. (I am amber and from this position in the hologram, I ....) This is the way of the Goddess, to honor all life as sentient, conscious and wise.
For that purpose, please choose one quality and one shadow from the “Elements to Evoke and Establish Archetypal Resonance” list in the Weaver Dreamer (and for all other archetypes as you go through the year) through which you will lens your reality this moon. Because this is a life time curriculum of self initiation in the Goddess, each year, (or time around the wheel) you would work with different qualities and shadows focusing and lensing your reality through, so there is infinite holographic reflection from these various aspects, for a lifetime immersion in Her depth, beauty and wisdom. For example embodying the quality of overview and healing the shadow of exaggeration, might be one choice of lensing a quality and shadow for this archetype. Remember, these archetypes are alive and WILL interface with your life in very concrete and profound ways, when you reach out and offer yourself as a vessel for their embodiment here on Earth.
Please make note in your journals and on sticky notes as to what you are committing to focus on for this moon.(especially quality and shadow lens). Post it up somewhere so that you stay aware of it all moon. Change happens very rapidly in this kind of alchemical container, AND you can support that possibility with your mindfulness!
Please continue to keep your 13 moon journal of your experiences, dreams, art, images, meditations etc. is essential to this depth dive into your inner worlds. Self- reflection is
essential to garnering the most out of these materials and an essential aspect of the Priestess Path.
Each moon/archetype, speak the Invocation in the Alchemy of Ecstasy OUT LOUD (if you can with one other player.) The vibrational truth that is revealed is very different than reading words. Each piece is Sacred Theater and meant to be taken in through vibration rather than mentally.
Meditate in depth with the three cards from the 13 Moon Oracle that are associated with this archetype: one sacred tool, one archetype, and one frequency card. The Loom Card, The Synchronicity Card and the Connection card. During this moon, “take in”, that is, really be deeply with, the associated oracles on each card.
Work especially with the mudra, mantra and sound principle for each archetype. They hold great wisdom!
If accessing your gifts, tools and lineages from many life expressions is of interest to you, look at the Archetypal Star L:ineages section in the Frequency Oracle and meditate with that.
Alchemy may seem like a totally arcane, irrelevant and complex subject. It is not. It is about raising your vibration. Sit with the Alchemical Principle. Meditate with it. Then, in your journal, answer the question that is associated with that principle that is found in the Frequency Oracle in the 13 Moon Oracle.
If you are interested in knowing about how our reality is shifting on Earth at this time, read the Changing Reality Constructs” sections. They seem difficult, as they are quantum in nature, but as you familiarize yourself with the languaging, they offer amazing clarity on the process of birth we are in as a species on this planet.
“Priestess Practicum for the Weaver Dreamer Moon”
FEEDING THE FEMININE FIRST this moon.. that means.. to make a commitment to start each day, even if that is only for 15 minutes.. doing something that celebrates the ecstatic body of beingness, .rather than moving into a more male “doing” mode first thing upon arising.. that can be dancing, scribing your dreams, singing, honoring the
Goddess at your altar, listening in Emptiness and Silence, making love to the self, whatever nurtures and fullfills YOU. This is a SEMINAL aspect of this archetype.. surrendering to the feminine self that you are and nurturing her FIRST.. not being tricked
by the ego into zooming straight to the computer or office, or car or whatever.. without a thought as to what it is that would actually start your day off in JOY and ECSTASY as a feminine being!!.. Believe me, if you do this one practice, your life will shift dramatically.
The primary focus’ that we will be looking at in depth this moon are “time” and “dreaming”. How we hold time, how we spend time, how we perceive of time. The Weaver, as an archetypal guide, is about assisting you in finding an entrance into Timelessness. So it is ours, by looking at time, to see how we can move more into the mythic nature of Timelessness. The Word Sculpture and the Invocation in the Alchemy this moon, provide an in depth look at time as a dimensional lensing of awareness. We cannot look at time, without also looking at dreaming and the nature of how time is different (more non-linear/ non-causal) in the “dream” state, than the way we hold it in our daily linear awareness. This moon we will be having a strong focus on our dreams and how they affect our waking reality, to strengthen the interface between the two states of consciousness.
From the Wise Woman archetype on in the 13 moon wheel, we are looking at reality from the point of view of transpersonal awareness. We are looking at how to step more fully into embodiment of the mythic BIG STORY of our lives.
Look at your intention collage honoring what it is that you have manifested during this 13 moon cycle and see where you are in the process of manifestation of your intentions. If you want more focus on completing manifestation during this cycle of the 13 moon’s, move your moon token around the moon wheel to go through the creational/manifestational process, moon phase by moon phase, during one whole moon. It is helpful to have this experience at least once during the 13 Moon cycle, as it is very revelatory to help you see where you get stymied and stuck in the manifestational process.
It is in this moon of the Weaver in the larger cycle, that we begin to craft a visioning statement about how we intend to integrate and bring our priestess work into the world. Please make space for meditation and dreaming into this inquiry, to craft during this moon a clear, concise visioning statement of your intention in this regard.
Each archetype has a Rite for embodying the energies of the archetype. In this archetype of the Weaver/Dreamer it is the Rite of Finding the Weaver Within. The rite is clearly laid out in the Alchemy of Ecstasy. It asks you to deeply investigate two things; l) Where does the bulk of my life force go? 2) What was I born to do? and the rest of the smaller wefting threads of your weaving. It is amazingly revelatory to look at these two major threads in your lifestream. Ahead of the time, to make your Dream web for the rite, you will need to gather a dead branch with lots of little branches on it and several colors of yarn, a paper punch, some pre-cut small card stock papers, pencils, pens and art paper. This is a powerful, illuminating rite. Please set time aside during the moon to deepen with it.
You may wish, as always, to find ahead of time the sacraments for your ceremonial rite this moon, which is dragonfruit (pitahaya at an Asian store), woven bread or Haribo licorice wheels (shaped like a labyrinth). Stargazer lilies, ginger flowers or celosia (commonly called magenta cocks comb) are usually available for your ceremonial investigation and altar. (Notice especially the scent of the stargazer lilies. They are a great teacher of the frequency of this archetype.) As usual, you may wish to complete your moon with a ceremony, the sacramental offering and the Consecration prayer spoken out loud, along with offering the mudra and mantra.
The element air is the elemental focus this moon. You may wish to sit out on a windy night to consciously commune with and feel the air, listening, sensing any message it wishes to deliver to you directly. Should you wish to speak an evocation to air in this process, do.
To SIT with and take in the frequency of magenta directly allows you to feel how to use the color frequency in your temple and to prescribe it for beings who come to you for assistance. Magenta is the combination of red and purple and depending on the percentage of which you have all the way from a hot pink to an almost purple color of magenta. You may wish to look for one for your altar that you can FEEL is balanced between red and purple which subconsciously brings in the balance between those two very different frequencies in beings who have it in their field.
Deepen with the herbs angelica, yarrow, fennel, scents: amber, angelica, crystals pink tourmaline and morganite and the Ash tree in meditation, whatever you are most drawn to explore more deeply. It is always most fulfilling to get the actual scent, crystal or herb to sit with to garner its truth directly by “listening” to it from within silence. “I am amber and from this point of awareness I.......” so much truth can be garnered with this simple heart felt method of direct listening/feeling/knowing. By deeply tuning in, you can learn how to “prescribe” using the frequency, color, scent etc. to assist people in healing and awakening.
The specialty priestess focus this moon is crystals. A priestess is naturally attuned to the frequency of the crystalline world to hear its messages, feel its power to bring into alignment and wholeness etc. If you are drawn to crystals, this is the moon to deepen with their teachings by directly communing and “listening” to their wisdom.
The flowers for this archetype are worth sitting with in meditation to investigate especially amaranth (if you can find it), it reveals a lot about the nature of the Weaver. Then there is ginger flower and celosia (magenta cockscomb).
You may wish, as always, to do a guided visualization with the animal totem of lizard, dragon or spider as your guide or dream guide. Profound awareness and revelation can come directly from the animal totems associated with these archetypes.
The mudra and mantra this moon are powerful activators.
The Alchemical principle this moon bears a deep meditation. We will all pass through this alchemical transmutational state. It is good to feel into what that out pictures as and where you are within this process.
The tools of this archetype are the loom and the medicine pipe. If you are able to do a simple weaving of some sort this moon, it is very instructive of the nature of form and emptiness. The pipe teaches the same lesson. If you have a calling to be a medicine pipe carrier, explore this medium this moon more deeply.
If you have access to a labyrinth, it can be very opening to have a direct experience of this pattern. There is a whole alternative rite for this in the Alchemy should you be drawn to do this work.
This archetype is about storytelling in the positive sense of transmitting truth in this time worn ancient form of sharing. On the shadow side of storytelling, be mindful and scrutinizingly willing to notice where you exaggerate or stretch the personal stories you tell to serve personal interests or for the ego to be seen in a certain light. Be willing this moon to pay attention to why you are telling any given personal story, what your motivation actually is for speaking a story from your past for example. Part of our investigation this moon has to do with becoming conscious of storytelling and how we use and abuse it.
Listen to the CD for the Weaver. Write in your journals what gifts were offered you in this journey.
The most quintessential distillation of each archetype is found in the two word description on the 13 Moon Oracle game board. To truly understand and embody the archetype, these two principles need to be experienced directly and integrated. This moon, notice how “I Dream and I Connect” are related, in your personal experience. Make note in your journals.
Track the moon on your 13 moon wheel. Starting with the dark of the moon/new moon that we have begun this journey on, move a token around the moon each day to stay in tune with the moon cycle that is being recapitiulated in your bellies! Stay in touch with your moon cycle as a sacred rite. Treat it is HOLY!! because it is!
Sacred Geometry is the most quintessential aspect of the Mystery. Please meditate with the sacred geometry for each archetypal face (the 8 spoked wheel this moon). Let it offer you divine truth and wisdom directly! For staying in tune with the larger seasonal cycles, there is also a long handout on the ceremonial aspects of the eight spoked wheel as a wheel of celebration and communion with the Divine Feminine at the points in the seasonal wheel where our energies offer balance to the Earth.
If it is in your joy, please set up a simple altar for the Weaver to begin collecting images and totems. A magenta altar cloth, a loom, a stargazer lily, a medicine pipe, whatever your heart resonates with. (That is one of the 13 areas of focus in the blue folder.)
If you are interested in seeing a film about conscious dreaming, take out Waking Life. It is a more documentary type film, but very consciousness provoking about the nature of becoming a lucid dreamer.
Do the diad questions with a priestess sister ally and of course to get to know that being through this archetypal lens. For that purpose, these questions are offered, or of course, create your own!
Diad Questions for the Weaver:
Use this as a practice time to allow these “answers” to emerge from the womb of silence and the heart temple of your essence, rather than from the past reservoirs of the ego/mind. Don’t be attached to words coming up, perhaps only an image or metaphor will arise. Allow the Mystery to speak in its own way. Before you begin, please sit in silence to establish essence contact in Source and resonance with each other. Given adequate time, if nothing emerges from the silence of Essence, let the question go rather than answering from ego and what you have known from the past.
Drop in deeply. Share an image of what you were born to do on Earth? (What gives you the greatest joy in the doing of it?)
What knots of challenge did your soul set up for your evolution in this lifetime?
What overview pattern are you weaving in this lifetime?
By what means can you begin to see the connection between everything that leads to a vision of the whole? In so far as that is humanly possible).
What is your life is calling for the services of The Cutter?
Reality on Earth at this time is becoming “unwoven”. Tune in. What do you perceive is happening? How is this impacting you personally?
What do you like to connect?
What childhood dream or vision did you want to manifest?
Feel the color magenta (which combines red and purple). What does it have to offer your awareness directly in this moment?
If it is in your joy, answer the questions (that begin on page 187 in the 13 Moon Oracle) out loud with a priestess sister or in your journal.