The Alchemy of the Sacred Inner Marriage
A Journey of Self Love and Awakening!
The One we have all been longing for is not out there… he/she is inside of us….
When we know ourselves as the wholeness of consciousness, as the silent witness within that observes each and every thought, there is nothing lacking in that…. within that is contained the seeds of the masculine and the feminine, the yin and the yang, that are expressed as the polarity we find in all of life.
Let’s all focus our attention and Love on those aspects of our Being that are the expressions of this wholeness of consciousness, the highest vibrations of our masculine and feminine. Let’s bring these into balance by recognizing these aspects within each of us that could be even stronger and bringing our attention to them.
We encourage you to do a personal inventory… to be ruthless in unveiling those aspects of our selves that could be strengthened, and to use all of the internal gifts at our disposal; our strength of will, our power of discrimination, our deep and abiding Love of Self, our Hearts, our inner knowingness of Source, our bodies, our senses, our minds…. to become whole, integrated Beings who together can manifest Heaven on Earth…
There are many things that can be done to bring these aspects of ourselves, our divine masculine and our divine feminine, into their highest vibrations and into balance within us…. to this end Sarah Uma and Orion are offering this ebook journey, the Alchemy of the Sacred Inner Marriage, A Journey of Self Love and Awakening. This is Heiros Gamos offered to support you in this alchemical transmutation.
New Myth
We are collectively creating a New Myth one of partnership, balance, holy harmony within, giving birth to the Divine Human through the Alchemy of the Sacred Inner Marriage. By healing the split between the masculine and feminine, we are able to move “beyond duality.” The Sacred Inner Marriage can only occur when we have moved out of the polarized world of either/or and into the balancing point at the center. The new myth cannot involve either a god or a goddess, but must center on the marriage of these two aspects of being human, where the polarities of either/or become centered as both/and.
As Inner Alchemists we have the power to raise vibrations through love. As we love the inner masculine/feminine we return to wholeness and remember Oneness.
Have you ever felt that in order to create wealth you had to deny or suppress your feminine qualities?
Have you ever struggled with the belief that you have to be in your masculine to be successful?
Have you ever judged your inner masculine or feminine?
Do you see the world as being out of balance?
Are you feeling like a failure because you are not the main financial provider?
If so, finding inner balance will bring the experience of outer balance. Discover ways to transmute the lower vibrations and beliefs that have kept these patterns alive. In Alchemy of the Sacred Inner Marriage, A Journey of Self Love and Awakening we explore the old Myth and dissolve it with our love, transmuting and raising the frequencies of the true divine feminine and sacred masculine so that we may co-create Heaven on Earth.
What is the overarching purpose of the Sacred Inner Marriage?
Freedom. Wholeness. Unity consciousness. Ecstatic embodiment.
Though we are born as an embodied focus of one polarity or the other, as a male or female, we each contain both polarities within us. These two polarities are divinely designed to seek resolution, integration and union, rather than to remain separate. Balancing and raising the vibration of these inner polarities is a powerful means to create fulfillment within you and in your relationships.
All relationships are reflections that hold the possibility of offering us heightened inner awareness and growth. If, however, you are looking only to relationship outside yourself to complete you, fulfill you or make you whole, you are unlikely to find it. You may recognize that your projections point out the places where you are identified and thus emotionally react, to assist you in seeing more fully where you are still not whole.
Are you ready to take full responsibility for your projections and use them for spiritual evolution?
Deepen your understanding of what projection is and how it plays out in your movie and in your relationships.
Do you desire spiritual freedom?
“Until the two polarities are integrated within, the idealized, distorted and judged images that we hold of our undeveloped polarity will continue to sabotage our attempts to authentically communicate or relate to relational reflections in our outside world.”
Doing the work of the Inner Marriage, in essence, alchemically assists us in activating higher consciousness which sees its unity within the Whole.
How does self-love facilitate integration and union of the polarities within?
As we consciously love the Self without conditions, limits or judgments, a transformation begins to take place that naturally opens our awareness to the polarities that live within us. As we move further into self-love, we literally begin to see what causes us to feel conflicted, confused or uncomfortable.
“As the Earth is spinning madly out of balance from centuries of abuse, neglect and rational/linear overload, the archetype of Artemis and Green Man are rising in collective human consciousness to call for the balance of sweet strength, supple stamina, soft sovereignty. They are asking us to wield the power of love with gentle strength, to be receptive to Grace, not to polarize toward the feminine or the masculine, but rather to balance as a spiritual androgyne that is neither male nor female, rather with both polarities held within, in union. I am neither male nor female. I am neither left nor right. I am that I am, beyond day and night. I am the mystery of the triple flame. I am the snake with wings. I am the moon that burns. I am the sun as she sings. I am the heart that reveals a star. I am, we are, a collective avatar!” – Alchemy of Ecstasy, Ariel Spilsbury

The power of this potent alchemical journey is beyond measure. This is the second deep dive into this work I have experienced with Uma as a guide, I can testify to the miraculous transformation that takes place when the journeyer is willing to surrender and meet the depth of her Love. The invocations, meditations, calls and energetic support create an ethereal container that is absolutely tangible in the physical experiences of the process, regardless of the distance ‘time and space’ create in the virtual world. The connection Sarah and Orion create is beyond all constraint, and the results are reflected in a feeling of both clarity and lightness. I could not recommend this course more highly for those desiring self-knowledge, reflection and a great rebalancing of both shadow and light qualities…to become the fullest essence of ourselves.
Sarah Uma and Orion are such masterful guides on this deep transformative journey into the divine masculine and feminine. Every call feels like a prayer being sent out into the collective mind field for the embrace and awakening of these powerful aspects within us all. The depth at which we are exploring our inner landscape and archetypes is creating a deep clearing and balancing within. Like a radiant loving light has been turned on to shine into unconscious shadow patterns and behaviors….Cultivating a deep spaciousness and honoring of the uniqueness of my being….To be newly birthed in Love. Deep gratitude for bringing this work out into the world. It is so needed on the planet right now.
love love love