As you could feel, Coherency is a primary tool of this archetype. For an Initiator "creates open access to a unified field of awareness through resonance. They are vibratory lenses and gateways, offering the clarity of innocence and a willingness not to know. An initiator, through access to raised vibration, gives an unobstructed view of self through the means of entrainment, the tendency of a frequency to begin to conform to the highest frequency in its field."
You, by the law of attraction, draw beings into your life to present challenges to your consciousness to complete unfinished pieces of your soul polishing.
Thank you to each of you for being willing to stand before the sword of truth and begin to prune away all that no longer serves your awareness. We encourage you to practice the use of the tools of the mirror, sword & mantle throughout this moon, and we will be sending through more documents and practices for this. The primary prerequisite for using these tools is emptiness. In this moon, we are highly focused on the coherency of all thought, feeling and action to respondrather than react. Do not pick up the sword unless you are in a place of total neutrality.
Notice when you want to offer the mantle as an 'easy' way of acknowledgement and how that might be coming from a place of ego/mind.
In the next moon cycle, pay particular attention to the places the mind wants to hold on, positions you are not wanting to let go of, places you defend. For in the awareness of these places, we expand our lens through the transpersonal witness and shatter these illusions, break through barriers of belief, and clear and prune the path of tangles in the mind to open the way to align with Divine Mind. This catalyzes our growth, allows us to stand in the strength of Presence and reclaim our True Power.
Mudra. Mantra. Yantra.
The Mudra of this archetype is a Y symbolically demonstrating “the Opener of the Way."
The Mantra is the Egyptian RA HU RA KAN, a version of evoking the Ineffable name of the Divine.
Yantra is the octahedron. “As above. So below”. It makes a pyramid in the earth below and is recapitulated in the pyramid above the Earth. Symbolically represents a transformed and rarefied lens of light!
This moon, we will dive into the difference between judgment and recognition.
For the initiator, this is a KEY distinction to deeply grok! With judgment there is a charge and a fixity that does not want to give up its identification. With recognition, there is viewing something from a particular position, but there is no charge and there isn’t an identification with an unmoving and fixed position.
Judgment is the primary tool of separation.
Judgment implies that something or someone does not have permission to live, outside of your limited definition of its value or importance. Judgment only occurs when something threatens the security or status of the ego’s position. Basically the ego says, I AM NOT THAT to define what it “is” and thus feel safe in that limited definition of self. Judgment is simply the opposite of unconditional love and allowance. Each time you judge and thus separate, you slow your vibration. Unconditional allowance is the servant of love as judgment is the tool of separation. The ways you judge yourself and do not allow others right now, pin points exactly how and where you are holding love in separation and keeping your vibration down.
'The process in the alchemical journey is Albed0- Rubedo wherein the Spirit is becoming fixed matter.Through eh high heat of the fires of Shakti ., like a picture negative, the body becomes white and the spirit red.In the processone passes between the feminine which heats to whiten and transform the deep red feeling nature, to the white male aspect of spirit which cools with the mind, to become the red of the material world the spagyric container of the body, through covalent bonding alchemically reunites soul and spirit.Two great birds one red one white devour each other." A.E pg. 268
The Rite in the Power of Naming: We encourage you to PRACTICE these tools with your allies this moon!
To embody the energies of this archetype, it is necessary to have someone to work with in person, to practice speaking your truth from a clear and aligned position.
So extra preparation time will need to be made in which to find that person and work with them.
As you do, remember an initiator does not defend, justify, explain or maintain a fixed or charged position.
There is no soft pedaling or packaging of information for best reception.
In fact, initiators are exemplars of the position that Love tells the truth all the way, all the time.
The main responsibility an initiator has, is to speak their perception of truth from the clearest and most aligned lens they can access, without regard to how it will be received.
That isn’t to say that when we are first stepping into this archetype, that there isn't bound to be some projection, some lack of clarity. Don't let this deter you!
The person receiving your awareness is responsible to know what resonates and what they can simply let go of.
If you notice that you are losing clarity and beginning to speak from ego, simply STOP! And wait until you can get clear once again.
Potential Initiatory Questions to share with a Priest/ess Ally