The Nature of Judgment/Separation
by Ariel Spilsbury, Copy it Right
It is important to understand the seminal difference between judgment and recognition. With judgment there is a charge and a fixity that does not want to give up its identification. With recognition, there is viewing something from a particular position, but there is no charge and there isn’t an identification with an unmoving and fixed position. Judgment is the primary tool of separation. Judgment implies that something or someone does not have permission to live, outside of your limited definition of its value or importance. When someone acts outside of your perceived version of reality, you feel justified in putting them in a separate category from yourself. From this position, you offer no permission in your version of reality for their behavior or choices. Understand that judgment only occurs when something threatens the security of status of the ego’s position. From the point of view of the emotional body, when the ego becomes unsure, confused or overwhelmed, it moves into judgment as a protection to shift the focus from internal discomfort to outside of itself. “Whew, what a relief that is”, says the ego; “ Now I don’t have to deal with that icky feeling inside me.” What it doesn’t complete that statement with is, “Somebody outside me now has the ball I just projected outside myself”. Mentally speaking, judgment is the means by which the ego maintains control by defining and limiting the areas which must be avoided in order to support its time honored perception of reality. (The ego says basically, “I am not that”, to define what it “is” and thus feels safe in that limited definition or container of self.) Simply put, judgment is the opposite of unconditional love and allowance. Without judgment, judgment is simply a stage of consciousness on the way to becoming unconditionally allowing. The price is high, however, because each time judgment is made, separation occurs and separation implies contraction or moving away from the Divine, whereas unconditional allowance implies expansion and moving toward the Divine. It is, however simply a choice with certain outcomes accruing to each choice. There is all of eternity to evolve. If however, you are in a hurry to evolve, moving out of judgment becomes a primary focus in awareness.
Belief systems are made of prior judgments that constellate around a contraction in consciousness that rigidifies and densifies until it creates the illusion of a wall of safety for the ego, much like smaller building blocks creating a larger wall.. Belief systems are self-maintaining in the sense that once you hold them to be so, your perception only gives you data that supports that conclusion, thus further bulwarking the belief system as absolute “truth” and as valid in your reality. Belief systems then become the lensing of reality that selects and organizes what we perceive to be in accordance with that belief system. At a certain level of awareness, belief systems are useful to human beings like walkers are useful to infants learning to walk. For a time, they create a safe and limited playpen in which to explore how consciousness operates in certain circumstances. Finally, belief systems of any kind, become a prison of limitation and then, only unconditional love and allowance will do, as a filter for reality. Neither belief systems nor unconditional allowance is right or wrong, better or worse, each has its place in the evolution of consciousness. However, if cosmic consciousness is a spiritual goal, belief systems and the judgment that makes them up, will seriously impede your reaching your goal.
In Unity consciousness, you naturally vibrate faster because you operate from unconditional love and allowance. Each time you judge and thus separate, you slow your vibration. Enlightenment is the process of expanding into greater love and thus higher vibration. Thaddus Golas in The Lazy Man’s Guide to Enlightenment, says it best: “You are vibrating at a state of consciousness that has the greatest love you are capable of accepting at this time. Changing your vibrations/awareness level, raising your love level is the only action that results in a real change. The more you love and unconditionally allow, the faster you vibrate and the less you feel you need to control anything. The higher the ratio of expansion to contraction, the more expanded, allowing and loving you are, the more energy you have, the faster you vibrate. Changing the contents of your mind, does not change your vibration. Changing your beliefs, your location, your friends, your spiritual path, does not change your vibration. Love is the only variable that actually changes anything!. Unconditional allowance is to love what judgment is to separation. Unconditional allowance is the servant of love as judgment is the tool of separation. You will not be able to rise above your present vibration until you love yourself the way you are now! That is the key. The ways that you judge yourself and do not allow others right now, shows you how and where you are holding love in separation and keeping your vibration down. There is nothing in the external world that in any way determines your feelings and experiences, your life is a direct result of your vibration/awareness, what it tells you and how you respond.