Living My Life As a Myth

by Ariel Spilsbury

Consider. According to quantum physics, human beings are holograms, whose brains are interpreting a hologramatic Universe. In view of that fact, you might want to ask yourself “Whose movie is it anyway? and more importantly, “Am I actually the director of my personal movie?” or am I inadvertently a part of an invisible matrix movie which limits my freedom of expression as creative director of my own movie?”

What distinguishes ordinary life from a life lived mythically? Buckminster Fuller said it best, “If success or failure of this planet and of human beings depended on how I am and what I do, how would I be? What would I do?” Let’s examine that. How does one enter the Big Story described here by Bucky Fuller? Everyone knows about the Small Story of the ego/mind with its endless webs of emotional entanglements and dramas specializing in the loop-de-loops of the endlessly repetitive cycling of patterns, salaciously preoccupied with the recapitulation of the known. In the Small  Story there is a focus on the playing out of all the ego small self archetypes of how you are defined and limited by what you resist, deny, judge and emotionally react to in the fear program jamboree in the Hall of Mirrors curriculum on Earth. On the other hand, a choice to live life in the Big Story requires that you are a mythic juggler, consciously dealing with the Small Story curriculum while keeping your focus of awareness on embodying the archetypal gifts, talents, etc that showcase what you came to contribute to the Big Story, (ie your “purpose”) in the first place.

Myth can be defined as the “larger than life”, archetypal patterns of awareness that we came encoded to dance with and evolve through. Archetypes are large mythic containers of consciousness that are form constants that exist in and define a field of consciousness that transcend time, space and the individual. Archetypes are the structures through which the mythic dimensions of self play themselves out. Archetypes such as the Fool, the King, the Mother, the Priest/ess, the Magician have existed in many cultures at many times. One of the primary function archetypes serve is to assist us in looking at our lives from a much larger, more mythic and spiritually expansive perspective than our ordinary day to day view of the self. In virtually all cultures there are about twenty to twenty three mythic, archetypal containers of divine consciousness. These archetypal containers, when looked at as a whole, provide a patterning of consciousness, a blueprint for spiritual evolution. These archetypes can be seen in Tarot, Mayan archetypes, astrology archetypes etc. These archetypal containers rise up from the collective unconscious, in a multiplicity of cultural masks, especially in the dream life, making their presence known and felt as reminders that we are more than we seem in daily life, that life can be lived mythically.

So what is a hero/ine? This Hero knows that THEY ARE THE ONE who makes a pivotal difference in the cosmic play on Earth. This heroine knows s/he is always at choice no matter what his circumstance. This Hero lives from authentic essence rather than simply accepting cultural expectations. This heroine has super human powers because s/he has clarity of focus and laser like intent. This hero’s lives daily life as a myth by recognizing that everything is connected by pattern, symbol and thus by meaning.

So how does one tell what heroic archetypes one is working with in this lifetime? First, note what hero/ines or mythic or movie characters are you attracted to and repelled by. Einstein, Brave Heart, Mother Theresa, Yoda, Jim Carrie? Look at tarot archetypes or the galactic Mayan archetypes. See which ones reflect who you feel your authentic “essence self” to be. Or remember what gave you joy as a child before you were culturally brainwashed. Then, ask yourself who you are archetypally  in the Big Story. Specifically, as an archetypal hero/ine, what are your 1)gifts? tools? 2) powers? 3) life challenges?

Then, look at what small story archetypes you are playing out. To determine this ask yourself “What do other people consistently complain about in my personality”. Are you playing out the Eeyore archetype for example? or the Jealous Lover? The Unlovable Dog? The Geek? Finally, fully recongize your life as a mythic quest for which you are following a specially designed clue trail. Signs are dropped everywhere for exploration on your specific quest. Begin to recognize those signs and signals in the synchronicities in your life. In living mythically, life becomes a joyful adventure. To move gracefully into the mythic dimensions of self there is one simple invictive: move toward joy and beauty and away from disharmony. Enjoy the adventure of the journey, Adventurers!

Myth asks, “If not you, who?  If not now, when?”


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