Primer for Grasping Reality through the Eyes of Quantum Physics

Liberally synthesized by Ariel from many sources including primarily The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire by Deepak Chopra

“There is no use trying,” said Alice; “one can’t believe impossible things.”

“I dare say you haven’t had much practice,” said the Queen of Hearts.

“When I was your age, I always did it for at least half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”

Lewis Carroll from Alice in Wonderland

On Earth we are in the process of changing paradigms from the Newtonian view of reality to a much more expansive quantum view that looks very much like the axioms presented in Alice in Wonderland. This represents a seminal shift in collective thinking. We are making a quantum leap on Earth.  A deeper understanding of the axioms of quantum physics can make that transformation more graceful. As a part of that transformative evolutionary process, we are living in a time of extreme acceleration in consciousness. The changes in the electro-magnetic field of the body, nervous system, etc. are reflecting this acceleration. Thus an embodied understanding of the quantum world is essential to “staying on our surf-boards” during this transformation and having fun doing it!

Very basically, the quantum reality we participate in, (beneath the obvious surface of the objective reality that we perceive), is made up of energy and information. In this quantum view, reality is simply a probability field which exists simultaneously as both a particle (form/matter) and a wave (infinite potential). Consciousness and intent create and direct this infinite potential field into the world we see manifested as the objective world. By tapping into this quantum reality, which is non-linear, non-causal, non-time referenced, synchronous and telepathic, there is infinite energy and information to create whatever is desired.

There is an implicate or primary reality that precedes the explicate, objective reality we perceive with the senses. This primary reality is the quantum soup of infinite possibility. It consists of packets or waves of energy and information. The material world is a sub-set of this quantum world. Events in the quantum domain occur at the speed of light or faster and at that speed our senses simply cannot process everything that contributes to our perceptual experience. The physical world is made up of nothing but the information contained in energy, vibrating at different frequencies. It is a huge web of inter-related energy connecting everything and vibrating far too fast to perceive. At a very deep level there are really no boundaries between ourselves and anyone or anything else in the Universe. The truth is the continuity and solidity we experience in the world exists only in the imagination in the interpreting brain, fed by the senses that cannot discern the waves of energy and information that make up the quantum level of existence.

So what is orchestrating this continually moving sea of quantum potential? The virtual domain of intention and Consciousness or non-local intelligence. This non-local domain creates and orchestrates the activity of our local reality and this domain is unmediated, unmitigated and immediate. That is to say in this realm events are acausally, inter-related, meaning that one event is not the cause of another event, yet the behavior of one is immediately correlated or coordinated with the other. In other words they seem to be dancing to the same tune even though they are not communicating with each other in a conventional sense. (Such as the example of how birds or fish turn at the same instant with no apparent communication.)  The strength of that interaction is undiminished regardless of distance in space and time. And finally there is no travel time needed for non-local events. That is to say events that occur at the non-local or virtual level occur instantly, without cause and without weakening over time or distance. In this view it is helpful to think of the Universe as a single, huge, organism. Its vastness is a perceptual, projected reality, even though “out there” you may be seeing a particular reality, the real phenomenon is a small electrical impulse inside your brain that you, the local being, is interpreting to be what you see. An example from classic chaos theory states that a butterfly flutters its wings in Texas and there is a typhoon in Tokyo six days later. The connection may not seem obvious, but it exists. This quantum view has huge implications as to our power as creators. Tapping into that potential is what allows us to create miracles. That is where synchronicity comes in.

Synchronicity is the soul’s “crumb trail” that links these seemingly un-related, quantum, acausal events in time space.  We have all experienced the synchronicity that emanates from the quantum realms such as when you think of a friend and at that very instant they call you. There is no time/space at play in the interaction. The dot to dot connection between you was instantaneously manifested and seemingly without cause.

So what is synchronicity trying to show us? Certainly that we are all one, that there is no “other”.  In Lakech. Namaste. Ah Ho Miytakuasin. Many cultures have some representation of this spiritual awareness in their language. Quite simply, every synchronicity is a message from the quantum. archetypal dimensions of your being, that when listened to, direct the course of the soul’s evolutionary coding. When you live your life with an appreciation of coincidences and their meaning, you connect with the underlying quantum field of infinite possibilities. Generally, the more you pay attention to synchronicity, the more it happens.

By applying attention and intention to these synchronicities, that arise from the quantum level, you can create specific outcomes in your life. Attention activates the energy field and intention activates the information field which causes transformation. Everything that happens in the Universe starts with intention. Intent has within it the mechanisms for its own fulfillment. The seed contains all the information it needs to blossom in fulfillment. Learning how you can consciously direct the infinite potential of the quantum realms is the nature of what is called “magic” and miracles. To tap into that vast potential, nurture synchronicity by not ignoring it, rather asking what its message is and being mindful while waiting for the intelligence of the non-local universe to reply. That is, you might consider applying the theory of quantum physics to making your transition into the “Wonderland” that we now approach on Earth, a joyful and ecstatically fulfilling ride!

(If you want to delve more deeply into the nature of reality as viewed through quantum theory, many books are coming out on the subject such as Alice in Quantumland (a great but advanced one) The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire (another more “user friendly” version of this quantum information). And “What the Bleep Do We Know” is a movie offering a delightful look at the quantum world. The 13 Moon Oracle is embedded with quantum theory and how it can be applied to your conscious transformational process.)


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