Primal Goddess Archetype

The most seminal issue in the Primal Goddess is FREEDOM of, uninhibited, un-culturally programmed, authentic and natural expression of your innate essence. In a culture that has totally repressed the primal aspect of the feminine and made it “bad and wrong” (along with snake and wolf) , it takes some powerful reclamation work to function without strong proscriptions running subconsciously, whether we are aware of them or not.. that shape the freedom with which we express ourselves. Whether that is sexual freedom, creative freedom, pro-creative freedom to express what we feel in most deep alignment with. Let us bring to light the perpetrator of the lie that it’s not okay to love your body, its sensations, its rhythms, its ecstatic currents and tides. The instinctual, untamed, wild, passionate nature in animals is vibrantly alive and it is that same nature that we wish to reclaim in ourselves! Because of this raw animal part of our nature being so stifled, if not extinguished by the prevailing male dominated culture, this moon, we have a focus on animal totems, to interface and watch them to see how they express their instinctual nature such that we can reclaim our own. “Aliveness is derived from authentic expression of Essence.” Let us use the Shakti fire to break free from our habitualized patterns. Let us find ways to feel more vibrantly ALIVE and FREE this moon!

Read the forward to both the Alchemy of Ecstasy and The 13 Moon Oracle to create the context in which to receive these materials. “Be with” the materials in the Alchemy of Ecstasy for each archetype, in the amounts you are nurtured and fed by. To gain maximum benefit always set up a sacred, ceremonial context for working with these materials. You can use the simple suggestion for evocation of each archetypal energy in the Frequency Oracle in the 13 Moon Oracle or create your own.

Recognize that when you choose to participate in this alchemical, archetypal work, the primary interface and benefit is vibrational. Alchemy is simply the raising of vibrational frequency. The vibration that is held within these words, transforms and assists in integrating and embodying these archetypal energies.

Recognize the opportunity you have through this self initiating curriculum, to both embody the qualities of this archetype, and through that focus on your wholeness, to heal the shadow aspects that you are clearing within this energy. A major reason you would want to remember and work with the qualities and the shadows of each archetype is for the purpose of “prescribing” for oracular queryients and people who come to you as a priestess for many reasons.. Rather than mentally memorizing these qualities and shadows, you would work directly with them, asking the crystal, the tree, the element etc. to reveal its innate wisdom to you. Meditate and then speaking from the position in consciousness of wolf, or cardamom, or the frequency of orange for example, receive its teachings directly. (I am wolf and I ....) This is the way of the Goddess, to honor all life as sentient, conscious and wise.

For that purpose, please choose one quality and one shadow from the “Elements to Evoke and Establish Archetypal Resonance” list in the Primal Goddess (and for all other archetypes as you go through the year) through which you will lens your reality this moon. Because this is a life time curriculum of self initiation in the Goddess, each year, (or time around the wheel) you would pick different qualities and shadows to focus on and lens your reality through, so there is infinite holographic reflection from these various aspects, for a lifetime immersion in Her depth, beauty and wisdom. For example embodying the quality of vitality and healing the shadow of unresolved guilt and shame might be one choice of lensing a quality and shadow for the first archetype. Remember, these archetypes are alive and WILL interface with your life in very concrete and profound ways, when you reach out and offer yourself as a vessel for their embodiment here on Earth.

Please make note in your journals and on sticky notes as to what you are committing to focus on for this moon.(especially quality and shadow lens). Post it up somewhere so that you stay aware of it all moon. Change happens very rapidly in this kind of alchemical container, AND you can support that possibility with your mindfulness!

Keeping a journal of your experiences, dreams, art, images, meditations etc. is essential to this depth dive into your inner worlds.

Each moon/archetype, speak the Invocation in the Alchemy of Ecstasy OUT LOUD (if you can with one other player.) The vibrational truth that is revealed is very different than reading words. Each piece is Sacred Theater and meant to be taken in through vibration rather than mentally.

Meditate in depth with the three cards from the 13 Moon Oracle that are associated with this archetype: one sacred tool, one archetype, and one frequency card. “Take in” .. that is really be deeply with, the associated oracles on each card.

Work especially with the mudra, mantra and sound principle for each archetype. They hold great wisdom!

If accessing your gifts, tools and lineages from many life expressions is of interest to you, look at the Archetypal Star Lineages section in the Frequency Oracle and meditate with that.

Alchemy may seem like a totally arcane, irrelevant and complex subject. It is not. It is about raising your vibration. Sit with the Alchemical Principle. Meditate with it. Then, in your journal, answer the question that is associated with that principle that is found in the Frequency Oracle in the 13 Moon Oracle..

If you are interested in knowing about how our reality is shifting on Earth at this time, read the “Changing Reality Constructs” sections. They seem difficult, as they are quantum in nature, but as you familiarize yourself with the languaging, they offer amazing clarity on the process of birth we are in as a species on this planet..

“Priest/ess Practicum for the Primal Goddess Moon”

FEEDING THE FEMININE FIRST this moon.. that means.. to make a commitment to starting each day, even if that is only for 15 minutes.. doing something that celebrates the ecstatic body of beingness..rather than moving into a more male Doing mode first thing upon arising.. that can be dancing, scribing your dreams, singing, honoring the goddess at your altar, listening in Emptiness and Silence, making love to the self, whatever nurtures and fullfills YOU.. this is a SEMINAL aspect of this archetype.. surrendering to the feminine self that you are and nurturing her this moon FIRST.. not being tricked by the ego into zooming straight to the computer or office, or car or whatever.. without a thought as to what it is that would actually start your day off in JOY and ECSTASY as a feminine being!!.. believe me, if you do this one practice, your life will shift dramatically..

Since we are half way around the wheel, check in with your intention collage that you made the first moon and see how your intentions are manifesting for the overall work through the whole wheel.

The primary shadow issue we will be working with this moon is the healing of shame and guilt just for being a woman, our sexuality, our passion, our essential wild natures! We will be focusing on reclaiming our instinctual fire, our untamed nature, and hopefully our vitality along with that! This is an important moon to take time to be in nature with a fire to really learn from the element directly about passion, vitality etc.. So please consider how that might be possible in your world as it is. This is NOT a conceptual archetype. Though I highly recommend reading the Alchemy of Ecstasy for background material, this archetype begs to be experienced directly!!

Releasing the Wild Woman from bondage within you, is the quality focus we will be taking this moon. Becoming aware that you have this part lurking in your basement is the first step. How do you access her? Dancing, screaming, drumming, deep sexually ecstatic experiences.. whatever way that you can release the control of the conscious mind! This part has been squelched and beaten down for centuries. It is being called home into integration now through us. Please take time to consider and pay attention to your wild woman this moon! Remembering that the Wild Woman pushes past the interpretations and boundaries the mind has developed out of habit patterns and limiting beliefs, into experiencing new freedom! She knows that ecstasy is an entryway to enlightenment! She is the fire of vitality, desire, passion, motivation. She follows her instincts and passions without rationalization and mental approval of the inner adult critic or for social acceptance. If you haven’t read Women Who Run with Wolves. Do. It is a wonderful way to remember and become more familiar with this repressed archetype.

Each archetype has a RITE for embodying the energies of the archetype. This is a rite for releasing shame and guilt. This is a very important rite for all women to deeply work with. To do it fully, you will need to plan a time in nature, in a sanctified area, where you can have a fire. It takes some advance preparation, so please look at your Alchemy’s ahead of time and make the appropriate plans. You may wish to offer the consecration prayer and plan for the sacrament to your final rite in this Rite. PLEASE FULLY TAKE IN THE CONSECRATION PRAYER IN THIS ARCHETYPE, such that you can embody this aspect of the Goddess. Be willing to see where you are presently not in alignment with this consecration and consider bringing those aspects into alignment and wholeness during this moon!

The elemental energy for this moon is FIRE!!! It is important that you be WITH the element of fire as much as you can this moon to get it to release the wisdom of its energy. You may wish to look again at the hand out for the Creator Destroyer on working with elemental energy to deepen how to work with this energy this moon.

Listen to the CD for the Primal Goddess (and all others as each moon comes up.) Write in your journals what gifts were offered you in this journey.

As part of reclaiming our instinctual nature, we will be deepening with our priest/ess specialty focus on animal totems this moon. So consider how you can do that with wolf, snake, or large cats of all kinds. Either through taking a “journey” with these beings as allies or deeply communing with them in whatever way you can or do. Please journal about your experiences.

The most quintessential distillation of each archetype is found in the two word description on the 13 Moon Oracle moon wheel. To truly understand and embody the archetype, these two principles need to be experienced directly and integrated. This moon, notice how “I fuel” “I consume” are connected in your personal experience. Make note in your journals.

Track the moon on your 13 moon wheel...starting with the dark of the moon/new moon that we have begun this journey on.. moving a token around the moon each day to stay in tune with the moon cycle that is being recapitulated in your bellies! Watch your moon cycle as a sacred rite. Treat it is HOLY!! because it is!

Sacred Geometry is the most quintessential aspect of the Mystery. Please meditate with the sacred geometry, spinning it in your third eye for each archetypal face (the downward pointing triangle with five levels in.. in a circle). Let it offer you divine truth and wisdom directly! If you wish to offer it WITH the mantra do that.

If it is in your joy and delight, please set up a simple altar for Her to begin collecting images and totems for the Primal Goddess. A fire colored altar cloth, a drum, carnelian, an orange lily, whatever your heart resonates with.

Please work directly, as always with the crystals associated with this archetype: fire opal, carnelian, orange citrine.. starting with “I am ..............carnelian.. and the wisdom I hold is....” Let them speak directly to your awareness.. allowing for them to reveal their truth directly to you.

Please work in the same direct way with the herbs of cardamom and coriander for them to reveal their healing and wholing wisdom .

Please work with the scents of musk, santel, ylang ylang.. this moon in the same way.. to get them to reveal their mysteries directly to you. Scent is one of the most powerful tools of the priestess. Let it teach you directly its gift and mysteries.

To the sacraments list, add oranges, papaya’s and mangoes.. all orange fruits!

The tools of this archetype is drum and rattle. It can be very illuminating to take the time to make your own rattle or paint your own drum during this cycle for your ceremonial use in the Rite of healing shame and guilt, or as part of that rite.

If it is in your joy, answer the questions (that begin on page 187 in the 13 Moon Oracle) outloud with a priest/ess ally or in your journal.

Please do the diad questions with another priest/ess ally to deepen intimacy and understanding of this archetype.

Use this as a practice time to allow these answers to emerge from the womb of silence and the heart temple of your essence, rather than from the past resovoirs of the ego mind. Before you begin, please sit in silence to establish essence contact in Source and resonance with each other. Given adequate time, if nothing emerges from the silence of essence, let the question go rather than answering from ego.

Really drop in. Feel the words: untamed... wild... passionate do you actually feel when you resonate with these words?

Is there anything which you have held in the basement of your being in the way of shame or guilt which you wish to bring to conscious? Unless you feel it would otherwise serve, release, breathe. Hold that which you have held shame or guilt about clearly in your minds eye and then allow your sacred witness to clear it with your mutual intention, mudra and sound. (Any way that feels appropriate.)

Passion, the sacred Shakti fire, is the very nature of the Goddess. How does the heat of physical sexuality become the sacred fire of sacramental intimacy between two beings?

Is there anything which blocks your instinctual wisdom? What in your instinctive nature are you still afraid of?

How does the energy of the snake and wolf play out as a part of your primal essence?

Is rebellion still playing out in your being in any way? If so, how does it actually affect freedom in your being?

Have a fulfilling, hot, amazingly healing wild woman moon! In Wild Wonder.. sarah uma


Shakti Shaking Medicine


Excerpt from the Bird Tribes