Shakti Shaking Medicine
Awakening the Sacred Fire Within.
Focus your intention on an image of Shiva/ Shakti, it acts like a " magic mirror" it becomes a mirror for your soul to look into. By focusing on our Oneness we return to the realization of our Wholeness. Surrender to the Shake; surrender all the ways the ego mind tries to hold on to control, holding all the masks in place.
By actively shaking the body, with focus, the mental control of the body subsides and the life force( Shakti) begins to shake us free.
Shaking is about building and strengthening your energy, your inner fire. A sign that this is happening is that your body starts heating up and you will break a sweat. In the beginning, building your fire will require that you shake vigorously.
While shaking keep the powerful Shakti Mantra "Adi Shakti Namo Namo," which tunes into the frequency of the Great Mother, and to the primal protective, is generating energy. Chanting it eliminates fears and fulfills desire. Adi Shakti means the Primal Power, " Shakti " All power which creates through God." As the mind is cleared and the ego blocks burned in the sacred fire the true power of the divine intelligence within begins its ascent to the higher chambers of Divine Mind.
Be grateful as these blocks rise to the surface, keep breathing, shaking, chanting in the mind, and allowing spontaneous movement and sound to take over. Feel gratitude for this opportunity to clear blocks and heal. Some shaking sessions will feel exhilarating other exhausting, greet both with equanimity. Things will come and go in waves, but you will get stronger and stronger over time if you keep shaking no mater what.
Try to feel with your body not with your mind. The mind always wants to understand what is happening so it can stay in control no matter what. Focus on the body not the story the mind is trying to tell.
Laughter will sometimes arise, tears will sometimes arise, let it all be felt and freed.
When the Shakti ( bio-electricity) is running our bodies, we become an empty vessel for the energy to work through. As you surrender and allow the energy to ecstatically move you, spinning and spiraling, moving with the energy of the universe, opening the energy centers of the body. Spontaneous laugher can arise offering tremendous healing benefits opening all the body's charkas for maximum healing.
In this way we awaken the Sacred Fire within us, burn away blocks and heal on a very deep level. Answers come directly through the connection with our Soul.
Now lie on the ground and offer your laughter, your joy, and your ecstatic play practice to the Primal Goddess, setting yourself free to be the primal power, the sensual sexuality that moves you beyond duality. Feel the eternal embrace of the Beloved's grace.
Shakti Shakit Shakti Ecstasis Divinitus!
May the Life Force be with you! Priestess of Ecstasy Sarah Uma
Suggested books
“Shaking Medicine” by Bradford Keeney
'Seiki Life Force” by Bradford and Hillary Keeney