An Inquiry to deepen with this moon is:
"Where am I in the journey of Sovereignty?"
The word "virgin" originally meant "whole & complete unto herself."
Do you see yourself as a sovereign being?
Allow one image or symbol to arise as you sit with this inquiry in meditation to show you your state of sovereignty, and watch it shift over the course of this moon.
The primary focus of awareness within the Lady of Communion is sovereignty....which is a feeling of inner completion, of not needing anything outside the self to feel complete or whole. A sovereign being is inner-directed, having a strong center of inner knowing from which to dance in relationship. Sovereignty is freedom of choice! It is about balancing the male and female within you, such that you are complete unto yourself. This moon there is a call to bring focus of awareness to where your male and female aspects need to be brought into more balanced expression.
Power is two things: energy and choice. And in the end LOVE is the only power there is.
This moon is a time to focus on what your power actually is and what motivates that power. There is a word sculpture on power which can be very helpful in taking an in depth look at the issue of power. Also, along with that, looking at control and whether you have power and control in the same conceptual box. Does control mean power, or power mean control?
Take your list of 10 things you desire and 10 things that drain your energy from yesterday's temple call. Spend some time feeling into the center of motivation for each one. What chakra is holding the power of each desire and which chakra is drained by each item on your list?
An easy way to remember the chakras is with this Motivation Rap from Ariel:
First Chakra says: Survival’s arrival at the group mind revival. Um Um, where fear becomes archival
Second Chakra says: Magnetic attraction, distraction in action, hm hm, I want some satisfaction
Third Chakra says: I’m on the scrimmage of my image and I want to be seen, with the stamp of approval from the cultural dream.
Fourth Chakra says: Shoot no judgment, load no blame Love without conditions is the name of the game!
Fifth Chakra says: I live, in the communication nation, where bending will is a twisted sensation, that’s contrary to, actual revelation.
Sixth Chakra says: Project through me what you will Doin’ it with the ego was no big thrill My intent is thy intent So let’s eat truth as a sacrament
Seventh Chakra says: Bein’ present in the presence is such a deal Has the soul’s idea of sex appeal
I INTEND & I EMPOWER are the two word focus' for this moon. It is important to know where the motivation for each intention and that power are actually coming from.
Our specialty priestess focus on trees this moon. Please make friends with one particular tree and listen/feel/ come to know it this moon. See what wisdom it has to offer your life. In this moment, does anyone wish to tune into the trees of aspen or pine to offer wisdom from their view of the hologram?
How can we get closer to the element of earth?
Just as we made the Masks in the Creator Destroyer Preserver Moon, we will be focusing on making a Light Shield during the Lady of Communion moon. In the coming week, you will receive a guided ritual for creating your power shield.
This shield is not about “protection”.. it is rather, a symbolic representation of the mythic, archetypal and soul level aspects and expression of your being.. gifts and lineages you have brought into this lifetime, with which to explore and affect the collective mind field of this planet! Other circles have called them, our “etheric passports”! It is a great opportunity to meditate and feel into what symbols/metaphors want to be on your shield of light.
Following one intention through the whole manifestational lunar wheel.
Please make friends with one particular tree and listen/feel/ come to know it this moon. See what wisdom it has to offer your life.
Gathering the tools, altar cloths, totems, crystals etc. of this archetype. Please finish your light shield for half moon (or bring it to circle if you wish) .
Work with sovereignty and balancing the male/female within this moon. Bring awareness to the issue of control/motivation/power this moon.
Our work/focus is in nature this moon, focusing on becoming one with all forms of life. Seeing/feeling/knowing what the consciousness of a rock, or a mountain, or a hummingbird knows directly...learning to step into their awareness and know from that position in the hologram!
As always, we encourage and support your work with your priestess ally on the skills of being a priestess!! Reach out to a sister or brother you felt strongly during yesterday's ceremony, or choose to work with another being who has chosen the same light or shadow quality(ies) to explore how they are revealing themselves throughout this moon.