The Initiator

We are now in the 9th moon. After all the gestation of the prior moons, it is time for re- birth in the Initiator archetype. This is the beginning of a new octave of the Transpersonal archetypes! We are looking this moon at what it is to be an initiator and to be initiated. There is a great deal of information about this in the Alchemy of Ecstasy but simply put, Initiators are empty awareness that can be utilized by the Divine to offer a perception of truth that catalyzes growth. Initiators do not defend, justify, explain or maintain a fixed position. They are laser like in their expression of truth, with no soft peddling or packaging of truth to please or mollify someone's ego. Initiators are exemplars of the position that Love tells the truth all the way all the time! This is a powerful moon for the Initiator to transform and dismantle patterns that no longer serve us. Let us utilize this frequency for transformation! I send each of you my love and if i can be of service to you in any way to step more fully into your initiator ship or your initiation, please feel free to email or call me!!

The Initiator

Read the forward to both the Alchemy of Ecstasy and The 13 Moon Oracle to create the context in

which to receive these materials. “Be with” the materials in the Alchemy of Ecstasy for each archetype,

in the amounts you are nurtured and fed by. To gain maximum benefit always set up a sacred,

ceremonial context for working with these materials. You can use the simple suggestion for evocation

of each archetypal energy in the Frequency Oracle in the 13 Moon Oracle or create your own.

Recognize that when you choose to participate in this alchemical, archetypal work, the primary

interface and benefit is vibrational. Alchemy is simply the raising of vibrational frequency. The

vibration that is held within these words, transforms and assists in integrating and embodying these

archetypal energies. Recognize the opportunity you have through this self initiating curriculum, to both embody

qualities of this archetype, and through that focus on your wholeness, to heal the shadow aspects

you are clearing within this energy. A major reason you would want to remember and work with the

qualities and the shadows of each archetype is for the purpose of “prescribing” for oracular queryients

and people who come to you as a priestess for many reasons.. Rather than mentally memorizing these

qualities and shadows, you would work directly with them, asking the crystal, the tree, the element etc.

to reveal its innate wisdom to you. Meditate and then speaking from the position in consciousness of

the oak tree or sugilite, or the frequency of purple for example, receive its teachings directly. (I am the

oak tree and from this position I ....) This is the way of the Goddess, to honor all life as sentient,

conscious and wise. For that purpose, please choose one quality and one shadow from the

“Elements to Evoke and Establish Archetypal Resonance” list in The Initiator (and for all other

archetypes as you go through the year) through which you will lens your reality this moon. Because

this is a life time curriculum of self initiation in the Goddess, each year, (or time around the wheel) you

would pick different qualities and shadows to focus on and lens your reality through, so there is infinite

holographic reflection from these various aspects, for a lifetime immersion in Her depth, beauty and

wisdom. For example embodying the quality of empowerment and healing the shadow of needing

recognition or approval from others might be one choice of lensing a quality and shadow for the first

archetype. Remember, these archetypes are alive and WILL interface with your life in very concrete

and profound ways, when you reach out and offer yourself as a vessel for their embodiment here on the Earth.

Please make note in your journals and on sticky notes as to what you are committing to

focus on for this moon.(especially quality and shadow lens). Post it up somewhere so that you stay

aware of it all moon. Change happens very rapidly in this kind of alchemical container, AND you

can support that possibility with your mindfulness!

Keeping a journal of your experiences, dreams, art, images, meditations etc. is essential to this deep

dive into your inner worlds. I hope you are keeping this aspect up as it offers powerful benefits from

self reflection. The overarching focus in this archetype is power, how our power is wielded in

relationship to our self love. Be willing to look at the way you use power in relationship to how much

you love yourself. If we look at power as energy that is aligned, attuned and coherent with its Source,

ask yourself in meditation the following soul questions: .

How is power related to self love?”

“What part of my light and power has not been fully freed into love?

“I am your power. What are you avoiding in not taking me fully up?”

“What strategies do you use to not surrender to Love?”

Trying to control with the mind. Addictions. Staying focused in the Ego.. Staying focused in a self important maintenance of status/power competitively with others. Continuing to feel justified in judging. Continuing to justify reacting.

Let’s have a look at self Empowerment as a part of this moon. No empowerment can be offered from the outside that you have not already offered yourself from the inside. Empowerment comes from self acceptance, integrity and commitment to your soul evolution.

In your present expression, in what way are you desiring to empower yourself, that you may have been looking in the past for empowerment, recognition, approval or confirmation from the outside world?”

Another important focus this moon is on illuminating the difference between

judgment and recognition. There is an article attached that goes into that distinction in depth, but to

experience this directly in your awareness, is a very important step to developing Witness consciousness and the unconditional allowance that comes with it. We will also be focusing on skillfully peaking our most real TRUTH as a catalyst of growth both for ourselves and others in our sphere.

We are looking this moon at “What is initiation?” At the most expanded level, when you stand in the

coherency of an initiatory gateway, your molecules become open to choice, neutral in their PH and

colloidal field potential. In this higher frequency, cells become open to change, to new imprints.

Whatever is going on in words is totally secondary, because the extant frequency is simply raising your

capacity to contain light. Basically you can only see that which you already are. The intention of

initiation is to open your perceptual lenses so that you feel and see yourself free of obstructions for a

moment, and are thus able to make new choices.! Life provides these gateways of initiation.

We will also look at “Who are your initiators?” Who still appears to “make” you react? They are your

initiators. Who empowers you through speaking their truth, calling you to wake up and be all that you

innately are in your Essential Self? They are your initiators. You are the initiate, initiator and life is the


Energetically, initiators are transmitting stations of coherent, pellucid light. Initiators do not defend,

justify, explain or maintain a fixed position. They are laser like in their expression of truth, with no soft

peddling or packaging of truth to please or mollify someone's ego. Initiators are exemplars of the

position that Love tells the truth all the way all the time! This is a powerful moon with the Initiator for

transformation and dismantling of patterns that no longer serve us. Initiators are drawn by you, into

your life, to present challenges to your consciousness to complete unfinished pieces of your soul

polishing, assisting you in moving out of judgment and into unconditional allowance, which allows

your system to vibrate at a much more expanded amplitude, freeing energy for the process of evolution

itself. At one level, initiators are simply lightening handlers that innately CATALYZE energy to move

into the more expanded vibration ranges that exist beyond judgment and reactivity. To do this work,

an initiator has developed neutrality in themselves, to the degree that they can catalyze others

without setting off an explosion in themselves!

Explore what supports a state of neutrality in you that is non-reactive? In other words, in the heat of

the moment, what practice, stance, awareness helps to give the extra moment, to make another choice,

when the “rubber hits the pavement” and you feel yourself about to react?

This moon we are specifically working with the power of coherency. Coherency is ordered energy,

focus , the ability of a wave to phase locked with another wave so that their energy is constructive.

Coherency is the difference between the power of a flashlight and a laser beam. COHERENT





most expanded service to the Divine, as priestess', it is essential that we EMBODY coherence as a

living reality. Explore what creates coherency in your space and lives this moon. What makes a space

feel more resonant and higher in vibration and coherence? Explore how coherency operates in the

realm of the priestess. Each moon/archetype, speak the Invocation in the Alchemy of Ecstasy OUT

reading words. Each piece is Sacred Theater and meant to be taken in through vibration rather than

solely mentally. Meditate in depth with the three cards from the 13 Moon Oracle that are associated

with this archetype: one sacred tool, one archetype, and one frequency card. “Take in” .. that is really

be deeply with, the associated oracles on each card. ***It is especially important to get familiar with

working with the tools of the initiator this moon: the mirror, the mantle and the sword. It goes into

detail about the nature of these tools in the 13 Moon Oracle and especially in the Alchemy of Ecstasy.

To have a practicum with these tools, offer each tool, to at least one person this moon.

Tremendous growth can come out of understanding the appropriate use of these sacred tools. However,

a word of caution: as you are learning and experiencing this archetypal energy as the initiator using the


CLEAR, ALIGNED AND BALANCED! There is never an excuse, in the name of “truth” to do the

destructive damage of projection, judgment or charged reaction, and then call it initiation! The

initiator’s sword is only used in the service of Oneness! The main responsibility an initiator has, is to

speak their perception of truth from the clearest and most aligned lens they can access, without regard

to how it will be received. That isn’t to say that when we are first stepping into this archetype that there

is bound to be some projection, some lack of clarity. The person receiving your awareness is

responsible to know what resonates and what they can simply let go of. You will see a list of initiatory

questions with which to practice the skills of the initiator in the Rite of Naming on around page 289.

This is a good place to begin with someone to practice the skills of initiation.

OUT LOUD (if you can with one other player.) The vibrational truth that is revealed is very different than

SWORD Practicum Round:

***Doing the Sword of Initiation Rite with an ally partner is essential this moon, so please set aside

time, early in the moon for doing that work together. You can select from the potential initiatory

questions listed in the Alchemy for that purpose, which ones you feel will take you the deepest into

your truth. (Starting on around page 289 in the Alchemy of Ecstasy. MIRROR Practicum Round: “In

the Hall of Mirrors you reflect for me, my_________________________ . (said together after each is

offered) The truth is, that beyond all mirrors there is only love.” Mantle Practicum Round: The will to

embodiment through honoring and acknowledgement. Offering to your ally something you deeply

honor or acknowledge in truth in them.

I want to acknowledge or honor in you.......”

Work especially with the mudra, mantra and sound principle for each archetype. They hold great wisdom! This

particular mantra I EE O U E I A OOM opens amazing etheric gateways. Consider deepening with it

this moon. If you put this mantra with the mudra and sacred geometry powerful awareness becomes

available. Try it! The mudra is a Y symbolically demonstrating “the Opener of the Way”. Mantra is the

Egyptian version of evoking the Ineffable name of the Divine. Yantra is the octahedron.. “As above. So

below”. It makes a pyramid in the earth below and is recapitulated in the pyramid above the Earth.

Symbolically represents a transformed and rarefied lens of light! Work with this patterning of mudra,

mantra, yantra. If accessing your gifts, tools and lineages from many life expressions is of interest to

you, look at the Archetypal Star Lineages section in the Frequency Oracle and meditate with that. Work

especially with the frequency of purple Iosis. Purple is a vibrant saturated vibration.

“What can you learn about the self by lensing your awareness through the frequency of purple/ Iosis?

What was the overarching soul goal for which you crossed the Vast Sea?”

Alchemy may seem like a totally arcane, irrelevant and complex subject. It is not. It is about raising

your vibration. Sit with the Alchemical Principle. Meditate with it. Then, in your journal, answer the

question that is associated with that principle that is found in the Frequency Oracle in the 13 Moon


If you are interested in knowing about how our reality is shifting on Earth at this time, read the

Changing Reality Constructs” sections. They seem difficult, as they are quantum in nature, but as you

familiarize yourself with the languaging, they offer amazing clarity on the process of birth we are in as

a species on this planet. Read the Blue Priestess Folder to keep developing a concrete means of

working on each of the 13 areas of integration to fully embody the Priestess that you are. Read the

“mind-food” in the Blue Priestess Folder as background for a more in depth, direct experience of the

archetypes. Though there is infinite depth in the Alchemy of Ecstasy and the 13 Moon Oracle, if you

wish to read other source materials on each archetype, a bibliography is provided in the Blue Priestess

Folder. (Remember, this curriculum was originally a 13 year priestess training in Avalon.) Take in as

much as you can on any given round through the wheel of infinite experience and integration that these

materials represent.

Initiator Practicum this moon”

FEEDING THE FEMININE FIRST that means.. to make a commitment to start each day, even if

that is only for 15 minutes.. doing something that celebrates the ecstatic body of beingness..rather than

moving into a more male Doing mode first thing upon arising.. that can be dancing, scribing your

dreams, singing, honoring the goddess at your altar, listening in Emptiness and Silence, making love to

the self, whatever nurtures and fulfills YOU.. this is a SEMINAL aspect of this archetype..

surrendering to the feminine self that you are and nurturing her this moon FIRST.. not being tricked by

the ego into zooming straight to the computer or office, or car or whatever.. without a thought as to what it is

that would actually start your day off in JOY and ECSTASY as a feminine being!!.. believe me, if you

do this one practice, your life will shift dramatically.

Check in on your intention collage that you made the first moon, to see where you are in the process of

honoring what it is that you wish to manifest during this 13 moon cycle.. Each archetype has a rite for

embodying the energies of the archetype. In this one, it is The Rite of the Power of Naming. It is

necessary for THIS archetype to have some ONE to work with in person, to practice speaking your

truth from a clear and aligned position. So extra preparation time will need to be made in which to find

that person and work with them. As you do, remember an initiator does not defend, justify, explain or

maintain a fixed or charged position. There is no soft peddling or packaging of information for best

reception. In fact, .initiators are exemplars of the position that Love tells the truth all the way, all the

time. The main responsibility an initiator has, is to speak their perception of

truth from the clearest and most aligned lens they can access, without regard to how it will be received.

That isn’t to say that when we are first stepping into this archetype that there is bound to be some

projection, some lack of clarity. The person receiving your awareness is responsible to know what

resonates and what they can simply let go of. If you notice that you are losing clarity and beginning

to speak from ego, simply STOP! And wait until you can get clear once again. You CAN tell

when you are operating in ego or Witness!

Following is a list of initiatory questions with which to practice with another priestess ally being an

initiator. This is a good place to begin with someone to practice the skills of initiation. Potential

Initiatory Questions:

*Who is an initiator in your daily life? Someone who apparently “makes” you react? What pattern or issue have you projected out that they actually represent IN YOU? *I am the initiation of the Lightening Path. What truth in the speaking of it, would leave you completely vulnerable. Speak it. *I am the challenge for you to “clean it up now”. What or who in you am I addressing in you? *What do you commonly judge in “other”, that you can now own in the self? *I am control. What form do I take in your life? *I am your ability to perceive and communicate your truth. What still obstructs me? *I am your reactivity. What purpose do I serve? What is my gift? *I am your ability to recognize without judgment. What have you judged from past perception that you can now recognize in truth? *I am compromise. How am I obstructing your expression of joyful alignment with Source?

If you are going to listen to the CD of the Initiator please set up a ceremonial context it has a

potent vibration to integrate. Write in your journals what gifts were offered you in this journey. A

journey to work with the animal totem of this archetype, the hawk can be very revelatory. The most

quintessential distillation of each archetype is found in the two or three word description on the 13

Moon Oracle game board. To truly understand and embody the archetype, these principles need to be

experienced directly and integrated. This moon, notice how alignment, challenge and clarity are

connected in your personal experience. Make note in your journals.

If it is in your joy to find a ritual sword to work with querients and your own ceremonies, here is a source: Museum Replicas 1-800-883-8838.

If you haven’t used a moon to track the moon on your 13 moon wheel that would be a good focus..

starting with the dark of the moon/new moon that we have begun this journey on.. moving a token

around the moon each day to stay in tune with the moon cycle that is being recapitulated in your

bellies! Watch your moon cycle as a sacred rite. Treat it is HOLY!! because it is!

Sacred Geometry is the most quintessential aspect of the Mystery. Please meditate with the sacred

geometry for each archetypal face. Let it offer you divine truth and wisdom directly!

Sacred Geometry and the coherency that it creates is a special focus this moon in the over all wheel of the archetypes because the initiator archetype is about increasing coherency.

Resolution and coherence increase frequency.

Since the increase of frequency is the very nature of alchemical transmutation, that should be plenty of motivation to make this investigation. You may wish to take time to be with the octahedron. It can be

very illuminating to make one, out of paper, or whatever materials, to experience the gift of the

geometry’s energy directly. You may wish to read in the forward about the nature of sacred geometry

and its place in the path of spiritual evolution. Pay special attention to the sacred geometry section of

the frequency card. If you want to see a movie that has amazing geometry visuals in it, see “The Last


To be of highest service to the Divine, as priestess' , it is essential that we EMBODY coherence as a

living reality. Explore what creates coherency in your space and lives this moon. What makes a space

feel more resonant and higher in vibration and coherence? Explore how coherency operates in the

realm of the priestess.

If it in your joy, create a simple altar for Her to begin collecting images and totems for the Initiator. A

purple altar cloth, a sword, a thunderbeing or whatever your heart resonates with.

In your final ceremony with the Initiator, as usual, to consecrate in this archetype, say the consecration

prayer out loud and eat the purple grapes or thyme bread as a ritual act of embodiment. Offer the mudra

and mantra to open and close your ceremony.

If it is in your joy, answer the questions (that begin on page 187 in the 13 Moon Oracle) out-loud with a

priestess sister or brother in your journal. For your final ceremony offer the consecration prayer and

sacrament etc.

Consecration Prayer:

I enter into consecration In the initiation of life: To be conscious. To be aware. To be truth. To be here.

To be lucid within life. To be empty and not know. To recognize what is real. To realize what is

recognized. I am the initiator and the initiate. Life is initiation. I enter into consecration on the

lightening path of initiation, Awakening to my true nature as a Divine Being.

Sacrament..purple globe grapes I align. I challenge. I clarify.

Diad Questions for The Initiator Use this as a practice time to allow these answers to emerge from

the womb of silence and the heart temple of your essence, rather than from the past reservoirs of the

ego mind. Don’t be attached to words coming up, perhaps only an image or metaphor will arise. Allow

the Mystery to speak in its own way. Before you begin, please sit in silence to establish essence contact

in Source and resonance with each other. Given adequate time, if nothing emerges from the silence of

essence, let the question go rather than answering from ego and what you have known from the past.

What is power? What is judgment? I am control. What form do I take in your life? Honestly, do you

feel you need to control people and situations in order to feel safe? What do you do to try to keep

control? I am the challenge for you to “clean it up now”. What am I addressing in you? I am your

power. What are you avoiding by not taking me up fully? Who presently is a primary initiator in your

daily life? Who most deeply challenges you? Turn that same search light on the self. What does that

initiator represent IN YOU? Feel the color purple. What does it have to offer your awareness directly in

this moment?



The Nature of Judgment/Separation
