The Lady of Communion
Read the forward to both the Alchemy of Ecstasy and The 13 Moon Oracle to create the 80context in which to receive these materials. “Be with” the materials in the Alchemy of Ecstasy for each archetype, in the amounts you are nurtured and fed by. To gain maximum benefit always set up a sacred, ceremonial context for working with these materials. You can use the simple suggestion for evocation of each archetypal energy in the Frequency Oracle in the 13 Moon Oracle or create your own.
Recognize that when you choose to participate in this alchemical, archetypal work, the primary interface and benefit is vibrational. Alchemy is simply the raising of vibrational frequency. The vibration that is held within these words, transforms and assists in integrating and embodying these archetypal energies.
Recognize the opportunity you have through this self initiating curriculum, to both embody the qualities of this archetype, and through that focus on your wholeness, to heal the shadow aspects that you are clearing within this energy. A major reason you would want to remember and work with the qualities and the shadows of each archetype is for the purpose of “prescribing” for oracular queryients and people who come to you as a priestess for many reasons.. Rather than mentally memorizing these qualities and shadows, you would work directly with them, asking the crystal, the tree, the element etc. to reveal its innate wisdom to you. Meditate and then speaking from the position in consciousness of horse, or unicorn, or the frequency of green and gold for example, receive its teachings directly. (I am angelica or aspen and I ....) This is the way of the Goddess, to honor all life as sentient, conscious and wise.
For that purpose, please choose one quality and one shadow from the “Elements to Evoke and Establish Archetypal Resonance” list in the Lady of Communion (and for all other archetypes as you go through the year) through which you will lens your reality this moon. Because this is a life time curriculum of self initiation in the Goddess, each year, (or time around the wheel) you would pick different qualities and shadows to focus on and lens your reality through, so there is infinite holographic reflection from these various aspects, for a lifetime immersion in Her depth, beauty and wisdom. For example embodying the quality of self nurturance and healing the shadow of over responsibility for others might be one choice of lensing a quality and shadow for the first archetype. Remember, these archetypes are alive and WILL interface with your life in very concrete and profound ways, when you reach out and offer yourself as a vessel for their embodiment here on Earth.
Please make note in your journals and on sticky notes as to what you are committing to focus on for this moon.(especially quality and shadow lens). Post it up somewhere so that you stay aware of it all moon. Change happens very rapidly in this kind of alchemical container, AND you can support that possibility with your mindfulness! For extra accountability, if you want to email or call me with your choices of quality and shadow, I will hold it with you during the moon.
Keeping up your journal of your experiences, dreams, art, images, meditations etc. is essential to this depth dive into your inner worlds.
Each moon/archetype, speak the Invocation in the Alchemy of Ecstasy OUT LOUD (if you can with one other player.) The vibrational truth that is revealed is very different than just reading words. Each piece is Sacred Theater and meant to be taken in through vibration rather than mentally.
Please work with the mudra and mantra for this and all archetypes. They are a powerful means of direct access to these archetypal energies. This moon you may wish to look at
the archetypal evocation of the frequency on page 80, to potentize your use of the mantra to evoke this archetypal energy.
Listen to the CD for The Lady of Communion (and all others as each moon comes up.) Write in your journal what gifts were offered you in this journey.
The most quintessential distillation of each archetype is found in the two word description on the 13 Moon Oracle game board. To truly understand and embody the archetype, these two principles need to be experienced directly and integrated. This moon, notice how intention and empowerment are connected in your personal experience. Make note in your journals.
Sacred Geometry is the most quintessential aspect of the Mystery. Please meditate with the sacred geometry for each archetypal face (the cube this moon). Let it offer you divine truth and wisdom directly! When you are ready, as you have been instructed, spin the geometry in your third eye and see what vision/wisdom it has to offer you.
If it is in you joy, please set up a simple altar for Her to begin collecting images and totems for The Lady of Communion. An emerald green altar cloth, sunflowers, crystals, herbs, animal totems, work with the trees etc.(This is one of the 13 areas of focus in the blue folder.)
The priestess specialty area this moon is trees. This is a powerful moon to commune with trees to learn to listen to their wisdom directly. Please make this a part of your experience this moon.
If it is in your joy, answer the questions (that begin on page 187 in the 13 Moon Oracle) out embodies loud with a priestess sister or in your journal.
Meditate in depth with the three cards and related materials from the 13 Moon Oracle that are associated with this archetype: one sacred tool, one archetype, and one frequency card. “Take in” .. that is really be deeply with, the associated oracles on each card.
Taking a journey with the animal totems of horse, unicorn or deer that are associated with this moon, can be very revelatory!
If accessing your gifts, tools and lineages from many life expressions is of interest to you, look at the Archetypal Star Lineages section in the Frequency Oracle and meditate with that.
Alchemy may seem like a totally arcane, irrelevant and complex subject. It is not. It is about raising your vibration. Sit with the Alchemical Principle. Meditate with it. Then, in
your journal, answer the question that is associated with that principle that is found in the Frequency Oracle in the 13 Moon Oracle..
If you are interested in knowing about how our reality is shifting on Earth at this time, read the Changing Reality Constructs” sections. They seem difficult, as they are quantum in nature, but as you familiarize yourself with the languaging, they offer amazing clarity on the process of birth you are engaging personally and the alchemical birth we are experiencing as a species on this planet.
Priestess Practices for the Lady of Communion Moon
EACH MOON: FEEDING THE FEMININE FIRST that means.. to make a commitment to start each day, even if that is only for 15 minutes.. doing something
that celebrates the ecstatic body of beingness..rather than moving into a more male Doing mode first thing upon arising.. that can be dancing, scribing your dreams, singing, honoring the goddess at your altar, listening in Emptiness and Silence, making love to the self, whatever nurtures and fullfills YOU.. this is a SEMINAL aspect of this archetype.. surrendering to the feminine self that you are and nurturing her this moon FIRST.. not being tricked by the ego into zooming straight to the computer or office, or car or whatever.. without a thought as to what it is that would actually start your day off in JOY and ECSTASY as a feminine being!!.. believe me, if you do this one practice, your life will shift dramatically.
If you didn’t, or even if you did, continue to follow the moon cycle lunar wheel as a manifestational tool, starting with a realizable intention on new moon, (now) through the whole creational wheel. In this moon we are focusing on intention/manifestation and how that happens in the physical world. So following the lunar cycle of creation, can be very instructive as to how the feminine manifests. Use the mudra and mantra to set your intention and follow it around the wheel. Simple and powerful. The mantra Hrim (with a rolled r) is the counterpart of Om, (which is the mantra of the unmanifest).. that is Hrim is the manifest.. the immanent.. in short The Goddess! Remember that from a quantum perspective, intention actually CREATES synchronicity!! San Kalpa! (the mantra to evoke the infinite organizing power of intention!)
The Rite this moon is creating a light shield, mandala or power shield. It is the sacred tool of this archetype. This shield is not about “protection”.. it is rather, a symbolic representation of the mythic, archetypal and soul level aspects of your being.. gifts and lineages you have brought into this lifetime, with which to explore and affect the collective mind field of this planet! Other circles have called them, our “etheric passports”! It is a great opportunity to meditate and feel into what symbols/metaphors want to be on your shield of light.. You can create it on anything, a bakers cardboard cake round, (Michaels Crafts) , a piece of wood, a drum, whatever you wish to use.
An alternate symbolic structure you may choose to look at to use as a blueprint for this process, has to do with power and your use of power. The instructions for that are linearly laid out in the rite in the Alchemy of Ecstasy, should that be the form you are most aligned with in creating your light shield. Should you be more interested in investigating the power of creating a mandala, please do that as your shield. (Instructions are in the rite for this as well.)
The primary focus of awareness we are having this moon is sovereignty ..which is a feeling of inner completion, of not needing anything outside the self to feel complete or whole. A sovereign being is inner-directed, having a strong center of inner knowing from which to dance in relationship. Sovereignty is freedom of choice! It is about the balancing of male and female within you, such that you are complete unto your self. So this moon it would serve you to bring a focus of awareness to where your male and female aspects need to be brought into more balanced expression. There is a lot of source material around this subject in the Alchemy and other resources you may have. If you would like to get a copy of “ Heiros Gamos: The Inner Marriage”, which I wrote for exactly this exploration. you can purchase the Alchemy of the Sacred Inner Marriage e- book at .At the end of your exploration of this, consider doing a ceremony of Heiros Gamos (the inner marriage) to honor the male and female that lives within you, to truly marry the self this moon, to come to a place of authentic sovereignty. There is a vow in the Alchemy which is spoken:. “As a sovereign being, I vow to act from the truth that emerges in every moment.” If you are ready to take that vow at the end of this cycle, as a part of your ceremony, please do.
Another major issue of exploration this moon is looking scrutinizingly at your motivations..looking at what actually motivates any action you take. There is a piece(funny and useful) in The Alchemy (In the cantors speech in the front of the Rite) about this process of assessment as to where your motivations are actually coming from. Since “I Intend.and I Empower.”, are the two word focus’ for this moon, as you can see, it is important to know where the motivation for that intention and that power are actually coming from. There is an exercise in the Alchemy for you to do around this issue that is helpful in seeing motivations more clearly. The simple instructions are to write down ten things you want/choose. And ten things that drain your energy. Do it quickly with only about two minutes for each question.(Don’t’ take more time or the mind gets involved.) Please do that now, before you read on..
THEN.. write down next to your answers, which chakra motives that desire or drains your energy.
When you are through with that, notice if there is a pattern, either of omission of a particular chakra, or a lot of motivation stemming from one or more particular chakras.. Unlike the position held by the New Age, one chakra is not “better” than the other. They all serve valuable functions. Then read the Alchemy on the first of the Rite about power. Notice what you have learned about the nature of your motivation and be willing to pay continued attention to the issue of what motivates you all this moon! Particularly notice
that where you control, there is usually a major power leak off! Remember that the bow of intention in the Goddess is made of Surrender!
What is power? This is a moon to really focus on what your power actually is, what motivates your power. There is a word sculpture on power which can be very helpful in taking an in depth look at the issue of power. Also, along with that, looking at control and whether you have power and control in the same conceptual box. Does control mean power, or power mean control? Spend time in contemplation about this issue. It is essential that you understand the nature of your own power. This the archetype for an in depth look at this issue.
What is communion? Our work is in nature this moon, focusing on becoming one with all forms of life. Seeing/feeling/knowing what the consciousness of a rock, or a mountain, or a hummingbird knows directly.. learning to step into their awareness and know from that position in the hologram! We have a specialty priestess focus on trees this moon. Please make friends with one particular tree and listen/feel/ come to know it this moon. See what wisdom it has to offer your life. There is infinite depth in this work with the Divine Feminine, so I have offered a specific focus each moon in which to at least begin to deepen with the various aspects associated with each archetype. Each area could be a lifetime priestess specialty focus: herbs, trees, crystals, mudra etc.. so we will just begin to open each moon to a deeper look at each one.
This Lady of Communion moon.. is a potent moon to work with the element EARTH and the cube as manifestation tools. Experiment with touching soil, planting actual seeds of your intention in earth and watching them bloom physically and etherically! Spend more time going barefoot to receive Mothers electro-magnetic nurturance and health engendering energy by connecting with earth!
We are still working with our abilities as priestess’ with elemental interfaces this moon... both calling the elements, working directly with them, and with elemental energies such as elfs, fairies, sylphs etc. Consider giving yourself the gift of spending time in nature developing these skills as the Lady of Communion!
As always, should it be in your joy to add something to your altar collection such as a green cloth, totems, crystals, herbs or an artemis statue etc., please do.
If you are in alignment, please speak out loud the consecration prayer in this archetype and eat the sacrament as part of your final rite with this archetype.
This would be a great moon to check in again to your intention collage that you did during the Great Mother.. to see where you are heading in fulfilling what you set out to complete during these 13 moons!
If you wish to read more source materials than you already have, the following is a further bibliography than is in your blue folder this is the best book Elzbeth (who is a priestess with a specialty in trees) and I found on trees: The Meaning of Trees by Fred Hageneder
Music that is evocative of this archetype: Bringers of the Dawn by H. Ernst and Skeleton Woman by Flesh and Bones, Standing Stones of Callinish by Jon Mark #1 or Emerald Green, or Machu Picchu Impressions by Rusty Crutcher
For releasing limitation thinking and for manifestation fun read.. Busting Loose from the Money Game by Robert Scheinfeld.. This book should be titled Breaking Loose from the Small Hologram Game.. It is very aligned with how the feminine manifests.. very differently than the masculine manifestation with will.
Movies that illuminate this archetype:**** “I Am” by Tom Selnic (director of Jim Carrie films).. this is a potent great look at the male way of holding power. Watch the movie “What the Bleep” .. it is very helpful for a run of quantum look at how manifestation operates at that deeper level of awareness. “Ashes and Snow” is a brilliant film about our intimate connection to nature when we are deeply communing with it. Other films that are models of embodiment of the archetype: Emerald Forest, Fern Gully, Rabbit Proof Fence, The Secret Garden, Whale Rider, All of Me, Fairytale a True Story
Use this as a practice time to allow these answers to emerge from the womb of silence and the heart temple of your essence, rather than from the past reservoirs of the ego mind. Don’t be attached to words coming up, perhaps only an image or metaphor will arise. Allow the Mystery to speak in its own way. Before you begin, please sit in silence to establish essence contact in Source and resonance with each other. Given adequate time, if nothing emerges from the silence of essence, let the question go rather than answering from ego and what you have known from the past.
What is power?
What is self empowerment?
What part of your power has not been fully freed into love?
What are you in denial of, putting up with or compromising at this time in your life?
Is it possible to be “innocent in spirit”, with the woundings of childhood and the resultant life lessons we are learning on earth? How?
What does it mean to be impeccable spiritually?
In your experience, what steps are required for manifestation of an intention?
As the Lady of Communion, you came to honor beauty and innocence. How are you doing that in your life?
For you, what does it mean to be a sovereign being?
Feel the color emerald green. What does it have to offer your awareness directly in this moment.