Winter Solstice
Blessings on this Winter Solstice Eve
May we stop the busyness of the season and drop into the dark embrace of the Great Mother.
May we allow Her darkness to descend like a deep burgundy chrysalis of love.
wrapping us in silken threads of release,
as we rest in the darkness in this great dissolve. this Great Shift,
allowing the world as we have known it to drop away.
To lay to rest in Her womb tomb anything that has held us from theTruth, from the light of love that is always there even when our eyes are dampened by the emotions grasping the known.
We call forth that which serves our dissolution, as an act of unconditional love , the love of the Divine .... pure divine love.
May we hear the sounds of nature, our divine nature, flowing like a babbling brook washing the body, mind and spirit clean.
May we feel the wind as our breath as it blows through any static of the mind,
May we hear the song of the breath singing as the sound of a flute ,offering this sound of love as it infuses the waters within.
May we ignite the violet flame of love, wisdom and power upon our lotus heart of compassion.
May we feel our body as Mother Earth's body, feeling the nourishment of the darkness as the seeds lay deep within the soil of our soul.
Resting in Peace!
Offering our peace to all of life.
As We open to receive this time of death as a gateway for rebirth, as we rebirth and open our heart wings lifting us beyond the old ways of being, the old ways of seeing.
As we soar high above the madness of the world that is now ready to return to the light of love.
Through Mercy's Flame, transmute all errors of the past and barriers to our Ascension.
See the triple flame burning through all illusions of separation, with the flame of forgiveness freeing all .
The pink flame of love, the Divine Feminine,
The blue flame of wisdom, the Divine Masculine uniting in oneness as we ignite the gold flame of the holy innocent divine child within.
As we reclaim our rainbow robes of light.
and ascend into the darkness of this night shining bright.
Free from Fear,
Free from all that is unreal,
Free to Be who We are here to BE!
We are here as Bringers of Light of the New Dawn.
as children of the Sun,
as children of the Moon,
as Star Beings!
Star Bright, Star Light won't you shine your Light on this Dark Night
Ecstatically Celebrate all that has been offered to Liberate, Activate and Generate the New that is breaking through the chrysalis,
We are meant to be more than this!
We are Sovereign and Free
ignite all heart flames and lift the torch of Liberty.
May all beings Be Free.
May all Beings know Peace
Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu
And so it is.....Blessed Be!
with infinite light and love,